Harris/Walz 2024

I'm thinking ban.

Kamala Harris Yes GIF by The Democrats
Never forget that when Kamala Harris was 29-years-old, she started an AFFAIR with 60-year-old Willie Brown, he was a married California house speaker, Mayor of San Francisco and one of the most powerful in California.

He bought Kamala expensive gifts like a BMW and appointed her to two influential positions. He named Kamala to the California Medical Assistance Commission, a job that paid $72,000 a year and also appointed her to the state's Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, a lucrative position that put another $97,088 a year in her pockets.

Brown later faced an FBI corruption investigation for handing out lucrative city contracts and appointments to friends and political allies.

Even after he dumped Kamala in 1995, he still continued to use his influence to promote her career, "I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco." - Brown

Harris was elected California's attorney general in 2010 with massive help from Willie and when she ran for United States Senate in 2016, Brown called on her likely opponent, Antonio Villaraigosa, to stay out of the race.

This is why I call her Kamala Hoerris...

The name is pronounced comma-luh. Like a punctuation mark in a sentence with la at the end. If you pronounce it Kah-Mah-Luh, it means you're a racist. No joke, a democrat talking head said that. To mispronounce her name is racist? Who'd ever thought of that?

Whatever happened to women's names like Becky, Susan or Elizabeth?