Finance Intern


Driving Instructor
Temporary Position Available:


Finance Internship ($10.00 per hour):

This position is responsible for providing clerical support for department operations.

The Paulding County Finance Department is seeking a self-motivated, detail-oriented individual with a positive work ethic to fill the position of Finance Intern. This position is primarily responsible for providing clerical support for department operations, and would be an excellent opportunity for an individual interested in enhancing their knowledge and experience in Finance, Accounting, and office clerical functions. Furthermore, it gives an individual a chance to learn first-hand about the role of counties and functions of local government, as well as provide practical work experience.

The wage for this position is $10.00 per hour, and shall not exceed 20 hours weekly.

The preferred schedule for this position is Monday – Friday, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM.

This position shall not be entitled to employee benefits, and shall not exceed six (6) months.

Minimum Qualifications:

Ability to read, write and perform mathematical calculations at a level commonly associated with the completion of high school or equivalent.

Sufficient experience to understand the basic principles relevant to the major duties of the position, usually associated with the completion of an apprenticeship/ internship or having had a similar position for one to two years.

Interns should be currently enrolled in college as undergraduate or graduate students or have recently graduated from college within one year of the grant period. High school students 16 years of age or older who are dually enrolled in a college or university are also eligible. General high school students who have not yet begun college may apply, also.

NOTE: Sign up for "Job Alerts" for Finance to receive notification when this job has been filled.

Equal Opportunity Employer

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