Final Presidential Debate

And this idiotic comment from one of our own state representatives....

She's a real mental prize isn't she?

During the discussion about the 545 kids; Biden basically said all these kids came over with their parents and were separated from their parents once caught after crossing the border. There have been many reports where kids are abducted in Mexico by people thinking that having a kid with them if they are caught crossing the border will make it easier to get asylum. Biden knows that's true, but wants to give the impression all are brought by their parents to play on people's emotions.

Somebody put this guy in a rubber room.
Biden stated during the debate he wouldn't end fracking, but would eliminate subsidies to the oil industry. This would force the oil industry to end fracking because that method of oil production would then become unprofitable; thus fracking would be over. Here's an interesting article on the subject.

Biden is clearly losing it with saying he never said he would ban fracking. There are multiple videos of him saying exactly that. He also said nobody lost their health coverage under Obamacare....that is clearly one of the biggest lies ever told.
Obama also told us all if we liked our doctor we would be able to keep our doctor under Obamacare. That too was a lie.

If Obamacare was so great, how come so many are still without insurance? If it's so great, why do so many who have it say they can't afford the out of pocket expenses and deductibles? I know some who had it and hated it. They were paying $450 a month for a family plan, but had$3,000 out of pocket expenses and a $10,000 deductible to meet before the insurance paid a dime. Add on top of that the $450 they were paying each month.
In 2004, John Kerry really hammered George W Bush in the debates, yet Bush won re-election.... So, I'm not sure debates sway many voters in either direction. Biden supporters in the media claim Biden did fantastic, Trump supporters on Fox News claim Trump wins big... I'll just wait till the election is over. I voted early, but my phone keeps ringing and my mailbox is stuffed with junk mail.
I'll be glad when it's OVER!!!!
Every focus group I've watched or read about indicated Trump made some headway with the undecided voters last night. And apparently, a few of Biden's remarks turned people off.
During the debate when the emails from the laptops was discussed, Biden claimed this was nothing but misinformation by the Russians. Trump's response, "Here we go again. Russia Russia Russia."
A Spanish term applied to Mexicans hired to find countrymen willing to pay to get the United States.

Growing up I heard it all the time.

The report claims that “the parents of 545 children still can’t be found,” but that’s not quite right. The NPR report omitted a statement issued by Department of Homeland Security spokesperson Chase Jennings explaining that in fact the vast majority of these parents have been found but have refused reunification with their children, which is why the children are still in DHS custody.

“In the current litigation, for example, out of the parents of 485 children whom Plaintiffs’ counsel has been able to contact, they’ve yet to identify a single family that wants their child reunited with them in their country of origin,” Jennings said.

Why would these parents refuse to be reunited with their children? Because their children are in the United States, and they are in their country of origin, most likely Guatemala, Honduras, or El Salvador. They don’t want their children to go back there, they want them in the United States. Many of these parents paid exorbitant amounts of money to get their children smuggled into the U.S., sometimes with adults posing as parents, sometimes unaccompanied and with a larger group of migrants. The whole point was to get their kids into the U.S. by any means necessary, even if it meant being separated.

Indeed, that’s often how “unaccompanied minors” show up on the border; their parents pay smugglers, called “coyotes,” to bring them across illegally, between the legal ports of entry, as part of an agreement with the cartel that controls a particular stretch of the border.