Do you know this person?


God, Family, and Country!!!
Staff member
Please PM me if you can help identify the person in these pictures. The unidentified person was caught trespassing and "allegedly" poaching for deer on our property located off Mulberry Rock Rd in Dallas GA. Authorities have been notified and a police report has been taken. DNR has also been notified of two poached deer carcasses stripped of their meat and dumped on our property, they are opening an investigation into the situation and trying to determine the identify of this person of interest.

Notice the "No Trespassing" sign in the background. I'm being generous here by thinking he originally walked down the road at 8:22am and continued walking for another minute while thinking about the sign he just passed before finally deciding to turn around and walk back out at 8:24am. I'm pretty sure that's what happened, right?

DNR has also been notified of two poached deer carcasses stripped of their meat and dumped on our property, they are opening an investigation into the situation and trying to determine the identify of this person of interest.

May not have been poached, but harvested elsewhere and they didn't want to to take the time to bury them after being processed. I know too many hunters that think open land is OK to dump carcasses on just because no one lives there. :(

PS. Do you let Hwy Members hunt there if they ask? :)
Also he may have noticed the camera, turned around and walked out so there would be a record he left quickly, then walked back in behind the camera. Though, I also think if he had seen the camera, you might be short one camera. I've had several vanish at our club that were too near the gas line and public roads.
Agree, I'm being nice and conservative here by saying he was just "lost" and conveniently used our land as a path to return to the property for which he has written permission to hunt. I honestly don't want to be a jerk, I just want him off the property. The carcasses were dumped about 3 weeks ago so I seriously doubt he had anything to do with them. I'd still like to identify the person if for no other reason to inform him he doen't have permission to hunt there. The property has sat empty for years so I'm sure several hunters assume it's still ok to hunt there and it will take time and patience to deal with it properly...meaning before the Queen gets involved. She won't be kind to anyone killing her Bambis.