Democrats Celebrate The Killing Of An Unborn Child

Look, I am not for abortion for me, but the article states, "I made the decision that was best for me—to have an abortion and get compassionate care at a clinic in my own community." At this point, applause and cheers could be heard in the crowd.

I am pretty sure it was not the fact that she had an abortion, but the fact that she was able to have one and get compassion care that was cheered. (and it was not a crowd goes wild cheer, it was a few yells and some clapping, she barely had to pause)

Getting all up in arms, sick, and angry is what the article title wants you to do. Even if you are against abortion, that it is happening is a safe, compassionate environment is better than a back alley or dirty room. Access to safe abortions has been a focus for years with that group. That she spoke of it, well she is not against abortion as many of that party are not and it is not a taboo subject. It is one of women's rights and bodies that we have heard for years. As you stated, it is legal, probably not going away, and pretty much expected to be spoken of at the convention.
Look, I am not for abortion for me, but the article states, "I made the decision that was best for me—to have an abortion and get compassionate care at a clinic in my own community." At this point, applause and cheers could be heard in the crowd.

I am pretty sure it was not the fact that she had an abortion, but the fact that she was able to have one and get compassion care that was cheered. (and it was not a crowd goes wild cheer, it was a few yells and some clapping, she barely had to pause)

Getting all up in arms, sick, and angry is what the article title wants you to do. Even if you are against abortion, that it is happening is a safe, compassionate environment is better than a back alley or dirty room. Access to safe abortions has been a focus for years with that group. That she spoke of it, well she is not against abortion as many of that party are not and it is not a taboo subject. It is one of women's rights and bodies that we have heard for years. As you stated, it is legal, probably not going away, and pretty much expected to be spoken of at the convention.
You can sugar coat it all you want, but the Democratic Party has glorified and promoted abortion, and they use the issue to appeal to the emotions of voters. Yes, the GOP does too, but at least their side of it is in defense of the sanctity of life. Any way you cut this, the Democrats are promoting death.

Did you listen to the speech? She glorifies abortion like it's the most wonderful thing ever. She repeats over and over the ideal of a woman doing what's best for her. The rights or well-being of the unborn child is never mentioned.

I carefully acknowledged a woman's legal right to have an abortion in my post above. But even for women who truly feel that having an abortion is their only choice, it should not be an easy or flippant one. We have a problem is this country, really in this world, with respect for human life. This goes not just for unborn children, but life in general. The fact that we have such a cold attitude toward aborting unborn children plays into that.
Look, I am not for abortion for me, but the article states, "I made the decision that was best for me—to have an abortion and get compassionate care at a clinic in my own community." At this point, applause and cheers could be heard in the crowd.

I am pretty sure it was not the fact that she had an abortion, but the fact that she was able to have one and get compassion care that was cheered. (and it was not a crowd goes wild cheer, it was a few yells and some clapping, she barely had to pause)

Getting all up in arms, sick, and angry is what the article title wants you to do. Even if you are against abortion, that it is happening is a safe, compassionate environment is better than a back alley or dirty room. Access to safe abortions has been a focus for years with that group. That she spoke of it, well she is not against abortion as many of that party are not and it is not a taboo subject. It is one of women's rights and bodies that we have heard for years. As you stated, it is legal, probably not going away, and pretty much expected to be spoken of at the convention.

I completely disagree.

I read a lot of left wing sites and comment sections,
and I have seen them celebrate and praise abortion.

They even go so far as to denigrate adoption as a legitimate choice.

You can sugar coat it all you want, but the Democratic Party has glorified and promoted abortion, and they use the issue to appeal to the emotions of voters. Yes, the GOP does too, but at least their side of it is in defense of the sanctity of life. Any way you cut this, the Democrats are promoting death.

Did you listen to the speech? She glorifies abortion like it's the most wonderful thing ever. She repeats over and over the ideal of a woman doing what's best for her. The rights or well-being of the unborn child is never mentioned.

I carefully acknowledged a woman's legal right to have an abortion in my post above. But even for women who truly feel that having an abortion is their only choice, it should not be an easy or flippant one. We have a problem is this country, really in this world, with respect for human life. This goes not just for unborn children, but life in general. The fact that we have such a cold attitude toward aborting unborn children plays into that.
You are taking your opinions on abortion, which is not unusual for any person, and using those feeling when speaking of this issue. I was speaking of the title and what occurred. I was not speaking of the unborn childs rights or lack of them.
I do agree that there is a lack across the country of respect for human life, but that is our opinion. Many might not agree.
I completely disagree.

I read a lot of left wing sites and comment sections,
and I have seen them celebrate and praise abortion.

They even go so far as to denigrate adoption as a legitimate choice.

I am speaking of what was posted as the title of the article and what was said. Not a lot of left wing sites that are as insane as the right wing ones. Anyone that does not think adoption is a legitimate choice, well there you go, insanity.
You are taking your opinions on abortion, which is not unusual for any person, and using those feeling when speaking of this issue. I was speaking of the title and what occurred. I was not speaking of the unborn childs rights or lack of them.
I do agree that there is a lack across the country of respect for human life, but that is our opinion. Many might not agree.
You really should watch the video.