CNN is running with this crisis.

The Sound Guy

Pursuit Driver
And doing their best to show Biden as a leader vs Trump the reactor. I think this may be the DNC theme for the election. The writer takes pains to point out that Biden is not as progressive as he'd like... but is better than Trump. Obviously trying to unify the various candidates followers.


Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, spoke from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this morning, a city -- like many across the country -- where thousands have been taking to the streets to protest the latest death of an unarmed black man in police custody: George Floyd, who died after a Minneapolis police officer dug his knee into his neck for more than eight long minutes.
Biden's speech could not have distinguished him more from President Donald Trump. While Trump seems to think chaos benefits him and acts to drive it at any turn, Biden struck a markedly different tone, issuing a call for calm, reconciliation, and understanding. "We're a nation in pain," Biden said. "We must not let our pain destroy us."

In a pointed critique of the President, who has long refused to take responsibility for any of his actions and never accepts blame -- even when his failed response to a pandemic has left more than 100,000 Americans dead -- Biden said, "I'll do my job and take responsibility. I won't blame others. I'll never forget that the job isn't about me."

Whatever you think of Biden -- and he wasn't my pick for the Democratic nomination -- it was almost startling to hear from an empathetic, rational adult who understands he's asking to be the public's most prominent servant, not its petty disciplinarian.

It was a window into what a Biden presidency might look like: Hardly the stuff of progressive dreams, but also leaps and bounds better than the current nightmare of narcissism, division, and autocracy from a President primarily concerned about his ratings and anyone he perceives to have slighted him. Biden promises to listen, lead, and to try to do right by the whole country, not just the angry few who don red hats and shout the loudest at political rallies.

He may not be offering the kind of enormous progress voters like me crave. But he does promise to pull us back from the abyss.
He delivered his remarks from City Hall in a metropolis where, like so many others across the country, police have been escalating their response to protesters, sometimes tear gassing even those peaceably assembled, beating people with nightsticks and shields, and attacking and arresting journalists -- including the Philadelphia Inquirer's Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Kristen Graham.

These increasingly violent tactics have been sanctioned by Trump, a pathetic coward who responded to a night of protests in Washington, DC, by hiding below ground in a White House bunker, and who on Monday evening staged a photo op of his supposed bravery walking out onto the streets of the capital -- after he had police use tear gas, flash grenades and rubber bullets to clear all the peaceful, and mostly young, citizen protesters away.

Standing in the Rose Garden he gave what will go down as one of the most terrifyingly authoritarian, anti-American screeds in US history. Law enforcement, he said, would "dominate the streets." If city and state leaders didn't squash protesters, Trump said, he would send in the military to do it for them. It was the kind of rhetoric you might be familiar with if you've ever heard a tin-pot dictator trying to put down a righteous mass movement against him. Then he walked to a venerated DC church, where he stood with aids, held up a Bible and said, "We have the greatest country in the world."
CNN is Fake News!

The democrat party has kissed the backside of far-left groups thinking it would benefit them and hurt republicans, yet it is democrat run cities which have been burned, looted, vandalized and terrorized by the far-left anarchists. The liberal run cities are facing anarchy!

I disagree that Trump is more concerned with his ratings. If anything, I don't think he gives the slightest damn about his ratings.

While I agree that Biden is not an extreme progressive in his own beliefs, he would likely put his finger to the wind and kowtow to whomever and whatever will keep him in power and riches. Factor in his obvious mental condition, and a Biden presidency is a very frightening concept.

And as someone here on The Hwy mentioned, if Biden wins, he will likely be a short timers, and his running mate will become president. While Biden himself is probably not terribly harmful, his running make could be. And I still think it could be Stacy Abrams. Just imagine the damage she could do to this country!
I disagree that Trump is more concerned with his ratings. If anything, I don't think he gives the slightest damn about his ratings.

Gotta say I disagree with this. His ratings and what people think of him is the primary thing that drives him. His massive ego is his biggest problem.
Gotta say I disagree with this. His ratings and what people think of him is the primary thing that drives him. His massive ego is his biggest problem.
If he did, I don't think he would have played this game with the media since announcing his campaign. He knows he's outrageous, he knows many of his statements and opinions are unpopular. He doesn't care what people think, he's going to do what he thinks is right whether it's popular of not.

He's accomplished a lot in his life; riches, beautiful women, even a luxury airplane. I truly believe that at this point, he doesn't care what anyone thinks.

That's both good and bad. It's good because he makes tough decisions without giving a damn how they will fly in the media. Bad because he's polarizing and turns a lot of people off.
Trump is Tump, he doesn’t give a rip who likes or dislikes him. Overall he has keen political instincts and I feel that’s what makes a lot of people not care for him (other than his typical NY personality).
If he did, I don't think he would have played this game with the media since announcing his campaign. He knows he's outrageous, he knows many of his statements and opinions are unpopular. He doesn't care what people think, he's going to do what he thinks is right whether it's popular of not.

He's accomplished a lot in his life; riches, beautiful women, even a luxury airplane. I truly believe that at this point, he doesn't care what anyone thinks.

That's both good and bad. It's good because he makes tough decisions without giving a damn how they will fly in the media. Bad because he's polarizing and turns a lot of people off.

He's certainly accomplished a lot and should be proud of that. But if he didn't care what anyone thinks why would he make up some stupid story about going to inspect the bunker, which he has been to 2.5 (???) times, instead of just saying something like 'Yes, the Secret Service thought it was necessary so we went to the bunker for a short time'. He could have used that to further justify getting tougher on the protesters. He's too afraid of looking bad or weak in any way so he just makes up stuff. That's just one example.
He's certainly accomplished a lot and should be proud of that. But if he didn't care what anyone thinks why would he make up some stupid story about going to inspect the bunker, which he has been to 2.5 (???) times, instead of just saying something like 'Yes, the Secret Service thought it was necessary so we went to the bunker for a short time'. He could have used that to further justify getting tougher on the protesters. He's too afraid of looking bad or weak in any way so he just makes up stuff. That's just one example.
Sometimes I think he says says outrageous stuff to keep the media and Democrats busy being outraged while he does good stuff behind the scenes. EX: He's been quietly changing the face of federal courts all over the country. And that is YUGE!
He also could have been trying to avoid telegraphing concern to those behind the chaos. Sorta like stories from CNN, say one thing but mean another.
Biden claims he can unite the races. He served as a Senator for more than 30 years and during that time what had he done to unite people? How about the 8 years he was VP? There's no doubt in my mind that China wants Biden to be president because they own him lock, stock, and barrel after giving his son a $1.5 billion business deal. Let's not forget his son traveled with him to China on Air Force Two when that deal was struck.

I'm not a huge fan of Trump's, but you have to give him credit for how his economic policies have helped the economy, how he has NATO members now paying their share, and renegotiating trade with China. Democrats on the other hand have always given away the farm.