Zuckerberg vows to keep US elections safe from unapproved opinions

Removed plenty of them, anyway.

So the question is, how much political editing are they still doing? I would imagine there would be a big stink like the last time. Have any of your posts been removed, or anyone you know?
So the question is, how much political editing are they still doing? I would imagine there would be a big stink like the last time. Have any of your posts been removed, or anyone you know?
Only one of my posts was removed. I don't remember the details, but it was an automatic removal by their algorithms. I was signed out and warned.

But a lot of people I know have had posts removed. Some of them deserved it, but others were because of certain keywords that are not allowed or content that Facebook has deemed inappropriate. And that is where the problem comes in; there is bias in what they deem inappropriate.

Yes, I think there is a clear bias. They seem to have been trying to reign it is, but when the rules are made by liberals they tend to biased in that direction.
While the specific article may have been meant to be satire...

I am not so sure it is not actually being done!!!

I hear SCOTUS is gonna hear a case concerning private social media companies choosing what can and cannot be posted...
Complaint is along the 1st amendment lines...
Should be interesting!
I hear SCOTUS is gonna hear a case concerning private social media companies choosing what can and cannot be posted...
Complaint is along the 1st amendment lines...

How would what a private company does be impacted by the 1st amendment?
I do not remember if it was Rush or Hannity... was driving and paying attention to traffic...

The gist of what I remember: Is the phone company is not allowed to discriminate based on customers or what is said on the phone...
So a social media site would not be allowed to discriminate based on customer or what is said...

Obviously things like:
XXX rated stuff....
The equivalent of yelling fire in a movie theatre...
Will have to be addressed.

The point... will/should (IMO) be: NO bias in what gets censored.

IMO... sticky situation!
IMO....regulating a private company (one that provides a free optional unnecessary service) to that level is a very slippery slope and goes against conservative ideals. The way to 'fix' Facebook and other social media sites that do 'unfair' censoring is to simply use market principles (stop using them and/or create an alternative) to beat them.
Yes... political regulation (for the advancement of one agenda at the expense of the other agenda)... is, IMO, not within the guidelines of the intentions of the writers of our founding documents...
And I tend to lean in the direction of saying 'hands off' to the govt (any govt; from the office of POTUS all the way to the local dog catcher).

OTOH... When big business is allowed to deceitfully manipulate public opinion... especially when one political party's agenda (and probably donors) are influencing that business... borders on tyranny... which is illegal under the founding documents.

Yes, this is a sticky mess... and IMO this is why the founders created SCOTUS... to sort out sticky messes.

MY opinion: We need to remember: the INTENTIONS of the writers of the founding documents, as written therein... are the supreme and final law and authority of the land... and the founding documents are NOT living documents that change with the whims of polecats (note I did not say with times, society, etc.. I said polecats).

What makes the USA work... is the rule of law... laws that everyone from the CEO of a 100 largest company, all the way to the guy sweeping the sidewalk... understands the law is fair and just... and everyone gets equal treatment under the law.

When we use legal chatter (BS chatter) to subvert that equality, and promote elitists at the expense of working folks...
We have undermined and violated the intentions of the founders!

Personal opinion: JawJa practices the Christian faith... and as such believes in the Great Commandment: Serve the Lord and love your neighbor as yourself. It is not that hard for me to see a conservative polecat kinda walking that out....
OTOH... it is somewhere between slim and none (and slim is not here) to even conceive in ones mind a leftist DEM walking that out.

I like the idea of the marketplace... and IMO the trend to 'live' on social media is gonna shrink some in the years ahead.
I hope we can use social medial in a responsible way... rather than letting it rule our lives.

Time to turn off the screen and the cyber box (computer)... and
"Git to work" grin
Couple of my employees are coming over to help clean up my house and pack. Hope to have a productive day.
It is happening. Pages with certain words like Patriot, conservative, libertarian, and a few others are being monitored not only for content that is obscene or inciteful, they are being monitored for content. Libertarian Redhead shared a link form Rand Paul's official account. That link was an opinion piece in the NYT. It was removed and she was locked out for a week. They removed that linked article from all shares even though it was not against any posted standard. They further punished non-personal pages that posted it. They never recanted, apologized, or explained. This isn't high level math here.

But can they do it? Sure they can. But now if you want to know how to clean your old pistol you can go to Pornhub, and if you want to express any non approved opinion you can go to 4chan or Gab. The problem is of course that once people get there, they find that their opinion is apparently equal to the vilest on the planet. I don't find that to be good social engineering at all. Not for the banned or for the PC pristine.
Read at another forum...


Has had its service removed... cannot get to them...
Some people think they have the right to control what is and is not on the internet...

That is NOT freedom!
Read at another forum...


Has had its service removed... cannot get to them...
Some people think they have the right to control what is and is not on the internet...

That is NOT freedom!

From what I'm reading online, the service provider they use for hosting is firing them as a customer. Looks like PayPal and other payment providers are doing the same. All of these are private companies so they have the freedom to decide who they do business with. Now, if some govt agency shut them down, I'd have a major problem with that.
True, they are all private businesses...


When the services are provided by just a few companies...
And those companies band together to advance ONE agenda...
And that agenda is NOT in line with the founding documents of the country...

There is, IMO, a problem!

Now if there are dozens of service providers (hosting companies and CC processing companies)... and someone else takes over...
Then that is free enterprise.

IF, however...
There was only one hosting co... and one CC provider... and they attempted to dictate what can and cannot be said and paid for...
Well that is a problem!