You Might Be Mentally Defective...

Inch by inch, step by step...............the American people are all to willing to give up constitutional rights for the betterment of "all". Don't make old people mad, you'll probably regret it.
Inch by inch, step by step...............the American people are all to willing to give up constitutional rights for the betterment of "all". Don't make old people mad, you'll probably regret it.
Kinda like letting the federal government override state's rights just so we can make abortion or same-sex marriage legal everywhere.

Note: I didn't post this to debate the rights or wrongs of these topics; only to illustrate two issues where a lot of people are OK with having state's rights stripped from us.
Can you imagine the leftist media war on Trump as he unravels some of this crap?
Oh yeah, they will try and crucify him every time he takes a poop.

But hopefully it will backfire on them. People are seeing through the corruption. At least people who think for themselves are.
I must have missed this one. I'll have to tell my old man, I think he might be on it, and he sure as hell isn't turning his over. I wouldn't either.