You are what you think

I think people use such terms to describe themselves out of humility of how GREAT GOD is and that we were born in sin as the Bible states. I agree we are changed when we receive Christ, but I still have a sinful nature until I leave this sinful world. I think it's mostly because our human side finds it very difficult to forgive ourselves and see ourselves as God now sees us....through the blood of Christ.

I understand what you are saying BS and agree. I just feel it's difficult for us to over-come at times. I believe we should celebrate the fact that we are new creatures. A lot of us just haven't figured that out yet. :dunno
I see what BS is saying, but rather than boast about what I am, I prefer to boast about what God has done for me and those around me. Perhaps I choose not to boast about it because I know where I came from and I know that it is only by God's forgiveness, mercy and grace that I'm not still there. But, I am always willing to boast about the greatness of my God.
LisaC said:
I see what BS is saying, but rather than boast about what I am, I prefer to boast about what God has done for me and those around me. Perhaps I choose not to boast about it because I know where I came from and I know that it is only by God's forgiveness, mercy and grace that I'm not still there. But, I am always willing to boast about the greatness of my God.
And I fully understand what you are saying. I'm not saying this is you but I've seen a lot of Christians defeated because of how they perceive themselves and what they refer to themselves as. I also understand your point in not "boasting" to others about who you are in Christ. Maybe for clarification, I don't mean boasting in a manner that comes across as "look what I have" or presenting myself as "better than you" either. Being proud in the Lord and letting others know what He has done for you is my intentions. It should be a presentation that makes others want to know God instead of despising him. Part of that for me is to understand that God never wants us to describe ourselves as anything other than what He says. I believe the way we view ourselves affects our attitude or performance while working for Him. In the literal sense, when He says I'm a NEW creature (a new identity), then I have no choice but to believe Him.