Would we defend Japan or South Korea?


Expert Driver

I would certainly hope so, but they're thinking that we'd blink if protecting our allies might mean NK nukes one of our cities.

Hmm...I'm not President, though I should be. I would personally honor our commitments to Japan or SK. I would encourage Japan to amend its constitution and build itself up, though.

I would also treat any launch from North Korea as an act of war, and I would have bombed him into oblivion now.
The problem with any kind of preemptive strike is that he has a massive conventional army quite capable.of inflicting some 30,000 casualties on South Korea alone
within a matter of hours. It would be impossible to stop such a slaughter. That cost is just too high to consider unless he strikes first.

If he strikes first, then the assumption must be that he intends to fight to his capability, and that would justify a gruesome response. But until then, the problem is not a risk assessment, but a known body count.

As for the Japanese Constitution, the US pushed for an unarmed Japan after WWII and signed treaties to protect it from outside attack in exchange. That seems a bit ironic 70 years later, but Japan was still a massive manufacturer post war with a capability to rearm quickly against relatively helpless neighbors in SE Asia (China excepted). China demanded such an agreement as reward for their help during the war and then immediately began their influence campaign throughout the region. War makes strange bedfellows.
Not sure a nuke would actually be needed.
I don't think they would be needed either. They recently reactivated a bunch of B-52's. Yes, they can carry nuclear bombs; but I don't think that's the reason for bringing them back into service. They can carry a payload of bombs far greater than the B-1. A real use of "shock and awe."

I had a friend who served on a swift boat in Vietnam. He said they were ambushed one time as they entered a bend in the river they were patrolling. They quickly turned the boat around and went back the way they came as they called in the attack. They gave the grid coordinates and were told to way five miles from the bend that they were diverting a B-52 to the area. Now the thing about the B-52 is it flies so high that you not only can't see it, but you can't even hear the bombs falling from above your head. My friend said that all of a sudden they heard all kinds of explosions and the water they were sitting in got rough and the tiny ship was tossed. Sorry, but couldn't resist the tiny ship part. After the explosions were over, they were told to go and take a look. He said that area before the bombing was thick jungle on both sides of the river. He said after the bombing, it looked like a waste land with billions of toothpicks. They went ashore and looked around trying to get a body count and find anything of intelligence value. They found a lot of blood and tiny pieces of clothing and body parts. Most likely, nobody survived that bombing.

The B-52 is great.
I leaning toward a preemptive strike by scooping up all Hollywood actors and dropping them from stealth bombers. That'll learn 'em :mad:
If shortstuff starts it, we will most likely finish it for him, but it won't be anything like other recent wars. His is the 23rd strongest military and 4th largest army in the world according to Global Fire Power. He has over 1 million active duty servicemen and 5 million fully trained reserves as well as more than adequate personal arms, rockets, and ammunition for all. He has over 900 modern aircraft, 10,000 tanks and mobile artillery, 900 ships, and 2400 missiles ranging from short range scuds to ICBM's. He may have as few as 3 or as many as 30 nuclear warheads of various sizes and it is believed he can deliver them within the region if not to the US mainland.

This isn't Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, or even cold war era Vietnam. War with North Korea will be bloody and personal. Our best hope is that he will tip his hand in time for us to know his next move without reservation, but in such a closed society, human intelligence is hard to come by. Some say that we will see troop movements and buildups before he attacks, but he may find a way to do so quietly.
If shortstuff starts it, we will most likely finish it for him, but it won't be anything like other recent wars. His is the 23rd strongest military and 4th largest army in the world according to Global Fire Power. He has over 1 million active duty servicemen and 5 million fully trained reserves as well as more than adequate personal arms, rockets, and ammunition for all. He has over 900 modern aircraft, 10,000 tanks and mobile artillery, 900 ships, and 2400 missiles ranging from short range scuds to ICBM's. He may have as few as 3 or as many as 30 nuclear warheads of various sizes and it is believed he can deliver them within the region if not to the US mainland.

This isn't Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, or even cold war era Vietnam. War with North Korea will be bloody and personal. Our best hope is that he will tip his hand in time for us to know his next move without reservation, but in such a closed society, human intelligence is hard to come by. Some say that we will see troop movements and buildups before he attacks, but he may find a way to do so quietly.
I have read a lot statements given by people who have escaped from NK, who indicate that the people that also includes much of the military do not have the will to fight as they are not a happy people who believes in their government. I'm not saying we should depend upon that, but don't be surprised if a war with NK isn't as long what some people may think.