Well, we did it today...


Let's Go Brandon!!!
Staff member
We finally made it official and moved our church membership after an almost 3 year search for a new church home. After visiting many different churches and giving this one a long test run it's nice to say we're part of a church family again. We both feel we were led to where we're suppose to be at this point in our lives.
"She who adores me" and I were excited to see you and The Queen go down. Great to be serving with you guys again.
With you two and the others it's like we're getting the band back together. :laugh
I did not know that you were J-man! Sweet! It was great to see you guys join today!
What street corner will you be selling flowers at?

Just kidding of course.
Glad you found somewhere you and the family feel comfortable.
So, you INTENTIONALLY joined the same church as GD and Colson? :cantbelievemyeyes :cantbelievemyeyes :cantbelievemyeyes :cantbelievemyeyes
LisaC said:
So, you INTENTIONALLY joined the same church cult as GD and Colson? :cantbelievemyeyes :cantbelievemyeyes :cantbelievemyeyes :cantbelievemyeyes
