Visit to the Edge of the Earth


Resident of the least visited state in the nation.
On Friday, I took Camry to Dickinson for some work. I took the long way home with plans of landscape photography. Unfortunately, the sky clouded up as I headed west. I took pictures as I headed from Medora back home (70+ miles of gravel road through the badlands). They were terrible: just flat. Then, I got up by a ranch that belongs to some church friends, and for 5 glorious minutes, the sun came out and I forgot all my disappointment.

I was reduced to pictures like this at first:

Typical flat lighting in a forest fire area.

A road I like, but boring light.

A friend I made along the trip (most of this area is open range, so animals are not fenced out of the road).

Suddenly, glorious light. I was almost by my friends' driveway when the sun popped out. They get to see these next views every day!

To the extreme right as an abandoned 1-room school that my friends from this ranch all attended.

The Teepee Buttes

Just for fun, I tried out the 18mm kit lens that came with the camera. It really flattens the landscape, but it shows how big (and empty) it is.

Just breathtaking!! Waski, thank you for sharing your world, on the Edge of the Earth with us
My favorite is the one just before the horse. And the horse reminds me of how I love being out west and running into cattle, etc., walking across the road. It's just so cool to be tooling down some road or other and run into a bunch of cows ambling across the road and grazing on either side of the road as they do. I love the west. :)
I loved them all! So the lighting is not so great. We just love the sharing of WY. I must get out there, I must get out there, I must get out there.................
Stellarvore said:
My truck would love that. And so would I. Until it snows, anyway.
A Toyota Camry does just fine on this road. She has wandered up the road in the snow too, but she handles the road best when it has been plowed. I actually love gravel roads. You see the part of the country nobody ever visits.

I took this a few years ago when I was along this same road (with my old camera) in the snow:

The Glare by waski_the_squirrel, on Flickr

And no prints yet, but my friends really liked these pictures since they see this every day. They hinted that they want prints.