US performs Rapid Deployment of F22 Raptors to Middle East

Well that's good to know. Trust MSN to not get their facts straight. Thanks.
The first thing that made me suspicious of the "news" report was the name of the site. The second thing was seeing 2023 at the beginning of the first paragraph. They failed to remove the entire dateline of the original news story they copied and pasted from. That made me search news stories about F-22s being deployed to the Middle East. All the results were news stories from 2023. They were the same news reports.

I also looked at their "About Us" tab. Here's one below that makes me suspicious that these are even real people working for this site. Notice it says the guy has been with Trendy since 2023, where he has reported on the pandemic, presidential election, Brexit negotiations, and Myanmar coup. Now look at the years those events occurred:
Covid pandemic -2020
Presidential election - 2020
Brexit negotiations - 2018
Myanmar coup - 2021

The lesson here is when you see these "news" sites like these, is to check and see if the major news sources are reporting the news story and when.
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