
The speculation I've heard is that Powell has info that is damning not only to democrats, but to some republicans as well. The Trump camp doesn't want to get involved in trashing republicans while they are still going through the motions of contesting the election.
The speculation I've heard is that Powell has info that is damning not only to democrats, but to some republicans as well.
Well, this wouldn't surprise me.

Needs to come out quickly though. The villagers are restless.
I think Powell is a Wolf in Sheep's clothing, sent out by the left to throw a wrench in the litigation process or at least to distract the primary premise of the law suits.
Typical MO for Donnie Two Times. When hired or appointed every one of his choices were "the greatest", "best ever", "history making", "most qualified", "known for many years". When the shite hits the fan they become "horrible", "disgraceful", "not qualified", "never knew them". I am not referring to Powell in particular but DJT has zero loyalty to anyone but DJT. That is part of why he will be technically unemployed in January. He may be heads and tails above Sleepy Joe as POTUS but as a person he is a horrible individual with little or no character.
The further I get from the mainstream American news, the more different the story is.

Very interesting clip from Sky News in AU

Do you know how crazy you have to be to be too crazy for Rudy. Blaming a dead Venezuelan dictator for your loss will put you on that path, and then claiming that a sitting Republican governor and his Republican SOS were paid to throw the election by the manufacturer of the voting machines might put you over the top.
It's a straw man because they know this is impossible in a society where there is a secret ballot. Whatever is to be done to verify a signature has to be done before a ballot is opened. This is true in every state.
It's a straw man because they know this is impossible in a society where there is a secret ballot. Whatever is to be done to verify a signature has to be done before a ballot is opened. This is true in every state.

Which is why I feel the absentee system is broken. I'll be writing an calling my state representatives asking for it to be fixed in Jan.
It's a straw man because they know this is impossible in a society where there is a secret ballot. Whatever is to be done to verify a signature has to be done before a ballot is opened. This is true in every state.
So you’re saying Biden won, Trump lost, and the Republicans just need to run a better campaign next time? Or am I missing something?
Which is why I feel the absentee system is broken. I'll be writing an calling my state representatives asking for it to be fixed in Jan.
They have to go back to the beginning and scrub the voter registration list for dead people, those that have moved and possible duplicity. Then insure that absentees are tightly controlled before, during and after the count. I once suggested that they hire Quakers for this function, but the Georgia State Patrol might do well at controlling and overseeing the verification and count.
It's too late for photo ID, as the dems have already requested 600,000 ballots. We're already i deep crap, and I don't trust the Governor and SOS to come up with a workable solution that doesn't just hand it to the commies.
So you’re saying Biden won, Trump lost, and the Republicans just need to run a better campaign next time? Or am I missing something?
That's basically it! There is nothing that can be done at this point.