This is what the left's campaign of division is fueling

I saw that earlier today on FB. I think we are going to start seeing more of this and even more hostility towards cops.
That is the crazy thing that we have witnessed the past decade... our civilized world has been taken hostage by thugs, crooks, and criminals. And they are now a protected class.

At some point there will be no one who wants to serve and protect... because this country is fill will sub-human, human beings. Boo hoo my boyfriend who committed a crime was arrested by the police, now I will not serve anyone in uniform....AND my employer does not terminate my happy arse right then and there.
That's their intention
I agree. One thing the left is attempting to do is rewrite history to where the GOP is to blame for everything. During a discussion at another site, we attempted by using facts, how the Democratic Party has never really been on the side of black people by using them as a political tool by keeping so many of them on welfare. The leader there posted some crap that it's the Republicans fault that so many black single mothers on welfare because Republicans passed legislation that prevented families from receiving welfare while an able-bodied man was living in the home. That legislation was written by Democrats and passed by Lyndon Johnson. The Democrats had an overwhelming majority in both congressional houses.

The left is doing everything they can to paint conservatives as racists and the faithful followers of the left is buying it hook, line, and sinker.
Rules for Radicals a 1971 book by community activist and writer Saul D. Alinsky is where this crap comes from... Black Lives Matter... the police become the target... the progressives send in paid protesters... it is text book, and it is disgusting.

The use of common enemy against a community was another theme of Rules for Radicals, with nonviolent conflict as a uniting element in communities.

Alinsky would find an external antagonist to turn into a "common enemy" for the community within which he was operating. Often, this would be a local politician or agency that had some involvement with activity concerning the community. Once the enemy was established, the community would come together in opposition of it. This management of conflict heightened awareness within the community as to the similarities its members shared as well as what differentiated them from those outside of their organization. The use of conflict also allowed for the goal of the group to be clearly defined. With an established external antagonist, the community's goal would be to defeat that enemy.
It's all fun and games until the "Wild West" days return, then there will be an outcry for a return to law and order.
At some point there will be no one who wants to serve and protect...

I used to want to be a police officer. I still wish I could, but I have a different career, and a wife that wants to start our family and needs me to be home. It seems like a huge percentage of the general public is made up of trash that thinks that they shouldn't have to obey the law or be told what they're not allowed to do, or that being a drug dealer is a legit career plan, and then get pissed when they get busted. They're being raised to think the police are the enemy, and out to get them. It's not just police. It seems that more and more ridiculous things happen that show that the general public is morally bankrupt and has no conscience. Some teenagers were arrested the other day for tossing rocks from an overpass, one of which killed a man. I see kids and adults (that were kids when I was a kid and they're the same now as they were then) that think that fighting someone over some perceived slight or disrespect is the right way to solve a problem. "Oh, you been talkin' shit? You wanna fight me or what?" And "talking shit" doesn't mean literally anymore, it could just be someone not liking someone else. They can't fathom that anyone wouldn't LIKE them, and then take it personally when it happens. The culture and values this generation has - or lacks - is what will destroy this country.

I don't think I'd risk my life for those kind of people...and cops do. They lose family time, parenting time, special things with their spouses, to be at work protecting and serving the public...who largely doesn't appreciate them in many places. I know I could never be in the Secret Service because I'd never take a bullet for Obama or Clinton. Or Trump for that matter.
When our son graduated high school he mentioned interest in becoming a police officer. I quickly told him I'd rather him join the military and KIA overseas by ISIS than by a piece of crap thug on the street in here in his neighborhood. The problem with that thinking is "someone has to do it."
There's no way in hell I'd be a police officer today; not with how so many people in the public are treating them. It's less safe today than it ever was.
L/E employment numbers are dropping all across this nation and GA included. There's not a local agency in GA who not looking to hire (as long as you are younger then 50 it seams). If something doesn't change soon.... you'll be forced for make peace with the criminals.

Even so I have the best kept secret in law enforcement jobs out there, I often wonder if this is worth it any more and time has come to put it all behind me again! For Good!