This is what happens when only Criminals have Weapons

The Sound Guy

Pursuit Driver

Toronto Police advised residents to leave their car key fobs in a Faraday pouch at the front door, to deter violent confrontations during break-ins. The police warned that the car thieves carried guns. This bizarre police advice sparked outrage online.

Following a surge in car thefts in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), the Toronto Police came up with a bizarre idea. The police asked the residents in the Greater Toronto Area to leave their car keys outside their homes.

The area is on high alert after several home invasions were connected to auto theft.

Numbers reveal a concerning trend, as car thefts in the GTA increased by nearly 25% in 2023 compared to 2022, according to the news portal Toronto City News.

Likewise, home invasions and break-ins for auto theft saw a staggering 400% rise during the same period.

As a result, the Toronto Police offered preventative measures to residents, including well-lit driveways, security cameras, and utilising home security systems.

However, a suggestion by Constable Marco Ricciardi at an Etobicoke safety meeting last month became the talk of the town.

Constable Ricciardi advised residents to leave their key fobs in a Faraday pouch (a special bag that blocks electromagnetic signals) at the "front door" for thieves, hoping to deter violent confrontations during break-ins.

“To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at the front door because they are breaking into your home to steal your car; they don’t want anything else," said Constable Ricciardi.

“A lot of them that they’re arresting have guns on them, and they are not toy guns,” he added. “They are real guns, they’re loaded.”