This guy sets a new record for being an idiot

Guard Dad

Staff member
American taxpayers footing NYC's bill to house the homeless in boutique hotels

I don't think this is anything new. I believe they started doing this back in the 80's because it was cheaper than opening homeless shelters in NYC with the high cost building space.
The problem with 2/3 of the homeless is that they are addicts or mentally ill. To put them in a room where they can freely leave is not safe for those around them.

There will always be a few newly homeless from economic shit storms like we see ourselves in now... the economy in my lifetime seems to crash every 7-10 years, whether it was the Oil Embargo of 1973, Inflation in 1980 followed by the Energy crisis of 1981 ( the early '80s are described as having a "double dip recession because there were two so close together) , Gulf War recession 1990, a dot com recession 2001, the housing bubble of subprime loans of 2000, the 0bama depression of 2008, and here we are again in 2020... regular families will become victims of recession and might become homeless temporarily in these times, but the USA has a much larger homeless problem. We no longer can lock up the mentally ill, or addicts... which is the only way to make our cities safe again.

I say this from having to work next to a hotel that is housing the homeless... truly they are housing criminals. Most of the homeless are drug addicted. This creates the need for theft to get money to get drugs.

I have so many horrible stories. These criminals sort of have their own community. They watch out for each other and work as a wolf pack does to steal, rob, and create mayhem. It is not just one homeless... they are a colony who specialize in drugs, prostitution, and theft. They congregate together and watch out as the other one breaks into cars, homes, storage areas, or in my case hotel rooms.

They leave the hotel that is housing the homeless at around noon and six pm to get something to eat and return with their fast food, or grocery bags... Then as it gets dark from 8 pm to 9pm they go out like bats from the homeless hotel on foot, skateboard, bicycle and scooters with backpacks on their back. They look through car windows and go around trying to open doors of cars and buildings in the hope that they have been left unlocked. If they don't find any unlocked, they use bolt cutters and tools to cut off locks, and break into windows. In between you will see them shoot up or smoke a glass pipe with whatever the substance is. This goes on until 4 or 5 AM ... the walking, biking, skateboarding, scootering and drug use goes all through the dark of night. Then they return to the homeless hotel as the day becomes light, to sleep until lunch ...and then it starts all over.

The ones sleeping on the street use the cover of night to actually sleep... they try to find a place that no one will notice they are there... Many park a car, unload all the crap that is in the car, put a tarp over the door that they leave open and sleep there. Again, most of these people need a care facility that they can't leave, and the door locks them in. They all get their government money card... but that is not enough to cover their drug use.

Hotels are not the answer, institutions are...
