This Also Applies To Fox News Coverage

Journalism is all but dead in the United States. And I think a lot of it started with the advent of the 24 news, which of course was started by CNN. Now, instead of filling in maybe an hour, they have to keep networks interesting 24 hours a day. So there's a lot of fluff and sensationalism, as well as entertainment mixed in.

Fake news, including stuff on the internet, hasn't helped either. I had a Facebook memory pop up recently from the 2016 primaries, and the gist of my commentary was how Trump was using fake news to knock Cruz out of the running. There was a pro-Trump website called that became kind of a big deal for awhile because they were who floated the lie about Cruz using prostitutes. Come to find out, Trump was bankrolling the guy.

Man, did I get jumped on by the hardcore Trump supporters!! I made it clear that I would vote for Trump if he got the nomination, but the purpose of my post was that Republicans needed to stop destroying each other and unite. I voted fro Cruz in the primary because I knew Trump would be so controversial. And I was right. It cost him reelection.