There are still wonderful people


zip a dee doo dah
Even at the Hiram Walmart. :spitchick

Several months ago my family and I met an older black gentleman in front of the Hiram Walmart. He was waiting on his wife to finish her shopping and we struck up a conversation. You wouldn't know it by looking at him, but he'll turn 80 later this year. He's a very charming man, with wonderful stories with a few corny jokes thrown in. He enjoys people and still adores his wife. He's proud of serving his country and the work he's done in his life. Tonight, after quite a conversation, we also had the pleasure of speaking with his wife, who turned out to be just as lovely as he was. She's a very dedicated Catholic woman, who despite some medical issues still counts her blessings. And, while counting her blessings, she blessed my soul.

My prayers tonight include the hope that I have the pleasure of running into them again and speaking with them, and may the Lord continue to bless them until we meet again. :love
What a blessing, but I promise, people like that are not at the Hiram Walmart when I go... :dunno