The Pope - Round 3 (this may surprise you)


Let's Go Brandon!!!
Staff member
I know I've recently expressed my concerns over the Pope and his tendency to influence political issues but to show I'm actually not bashing the Pope or the Catholic religion (or any other religion for that matter), I actually agree with this article and applaud the Pope for his battle against the enemy of God, the Devil himself.

I find it to be a very interesting article and I pray that he continues his efforts in this struggle.


(See, I am a reasonable person)
Imma tell you right now - that stuff scares the bejesus out of me. I am in awe of ANYONE who goes up against satan face-to-face like that. This dude understands satan and that makes him VERY dangerous to the father of lies. Like JPII before him, I believe this man Francis to be a man of God. I haven't read parts 1 and 2 of this series but this, along with his firm stand against homosexuality and abortion, as well as his passion for the poor, make me love him. (And I'm not even RC.)
Y'all leave that poor man alone.
Isn't enough that he has to wear those hats without people jumping on him about everything else.






(just saying that the Vatican could use some Queer Eye for the Pope Guy help when it comes to hats, that's all)
StRadial you crack me up!

JMan I have not found you unreasonable or even bashing, I just find it different when those of another faith have a strong reaction to a man of another. Mostly because any preacher could stand up and tell the heads of state, the President or anyone else, anything, and I just do not care. (I would assume that others pray, say stuff at meetings, etc, etc, except for the fact I cared so much, not, I could not even tell you who has or what they said. :)) )

I am sure there will be interesting responses to this article. ;)

MeiLan, there is much to love about him! has this story up on her Must Reads section for today. I'm going to copy/paste several comments that I found insightful below:

Reply 5 - Posted by: ZurichMike, 5/11/2014 3:56:45 AM (No. 9844212)

And then there´s this prayer from the late 19th century:

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle;
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray:
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.


Reply 13 - Posted by: jofel, 5/11/2014 8:12:32 AM (No. 9844302)

Father Jonathon Morris..
Bad reporting by many: "Pope Francis did not ask nations to "redistribute wealth". He asked them to create opportunity for all, avoiding "economic policies of exclusion". This, he says, requires "legitimate redistribution of economic benefits", meaning, specifically avoiding all "injustices" (corruption, for example, "policies of exclusion", and a "throwaway culture" which amounts to a "culture of death". This doesn´t sound Marxist to me."

I do not recall where I picked up the quote below...
"So, of course, the first Associated Press story that hits the wires makes no mention of anything Pope Francis had to say about the “culture of death” but runs the headline “Pope urges ‘legitimate redistribution’ of wealth by the state to poor in spirit of generosity.”


Reply 20 - Posted by: mitzi, 5/11/2014 10:01:32 AM (No. 9844421)

You´d think that the WaPo (and everyone else) would have gotten a clue from something that occurred early in Pope Francis´ pontificate: consecrating Vatican City to St. Michael the Archangel.

The secular media have no background to understand / interpret the Church. They don´t even know where to do basic research online.

It takes a couple of seconds to google and find at the Vatican website. This is just a partial quote. It´s too long to include it here in one reply. I´ll continue the remainder in another reply.

"In the Vatican Gardens there are several works of art. But this, which has now been added, takes on particular importance, in its location as well as the meaning it expresses. In fact it is not just celebratory work but an invitation to reflection and prayer, that fits well into the Year of Faith. Michael - which means "Who is like God" - is the champion of the primacy of God, of His transcendence and power. Michael struggles to restore divine justice and defends the People of God from his enemies, above all by the enemy par excellence, the devil.

Reply 21 - Posted by: mitzi, 5/11/2014 10:02:23 AM (No. 9844422)


And St. Michael wins because in him, there is He God who acts. This sculpture reminds us then that evil is overcome, the accuser is unmasked, his head crushed, because salvation was accomplished once and for all in the blood of Christ. Though the devil always tries to disfigure the face of the Archangel and that of humanity, God is stronger, it is His victory and His salvation that is offered to all men. We are not alone on the journey or in the trials of life, we are accompanied and supported by the Angels of God, who offer, so to speak, their wings to help us overcome so many dangers, in order to fly high compared to those realities that can weigh down our lives or drag us down. In consecrating Vatican City State to St. Michael the Archangel, I ask him to defend us from the evil one and banish him. "

stradial said:
Y'all leave that poor man alone.
Isn't enough that he has to wear those hats without people jumping on him about everything else.






(just saying that the Vatican could use some Queer Eye for the Pope Guy help when it comes to hats, that's all)
You make a good point there, I'll cut the fella some slack. Poor guy.