The Best Of Times

Guard Dad

Staff member
Recall some of the best times of your life


-Marrying "She who adores me"
-My daughter being born
-Opening the mail and finding that I had passed my state license exam with a high score (found out later it was the highest score out of about 400 who tested)
-Seeing my child baptized
-Seeing my child graduate college
-The cruise we went on last summer
The day I realized that being a Christian didn't mean I was going to be perfect. Grace.

The birthday my Mother decorated a watermelon instead of a cake. I love w-melon!

Riding on my Dad's shoulders.

The night I drove my g/f to the hospital and saw my goddaughter right after she was born. She came really quick. lol

Seeing how happy my Mother was at my wedding. My brother and I were only ones who had church weddings out of 5 of us.

The day I married my husband.

The day I heard no more cancer.

Everyday is a good day to me!
Seeing my papaw sitting a bicycle handlebars & riding it backwards thru the yard. He'd do anything to get me to laugh.

Morning breakfasts with my mamaw, when I'd go for a visit. She'd put out a doily, flowers & have everything ready for me when I woke up in the mornings. We'd sit on the screened porch and talk for hours after I finished eating.

When my daddy got saved. Still remember seeing the change in him so vividly.

Taking care of my sister when she went into early labor, driving her to the hospital & hearing the first cries from my oldest nephew when he was born.

My sister sharing the video of my youngest nephew's biological mother giving him to my sister. It was an open adoption. I'd prayed so long for that little baby to come to our family. I'm the only one my sister has shared that precious moment with.

My mom...every moment with my mom is memorable. She's soooo precious to me.

The look in Marc's eyes when we married. Watching him say his vows to me. I'd never seen love on a mans face like that before.

The night I spent with Granny in the hospital before her knee replacement. I'd never seen her vulnerable before. We shared special time that evening & the next morning before they took her for surgery. And I was the one she wanted to stay with her.

Funny jokes with my other papaw. He was a quiet man but with me he was full of fun & sass. Granny always got mad at us when we were together. Heehee!