Sunday alcohol sales??


zip a dee doo dah
Why aren't we discussing? Is is just because nobody cares one way or another? 8)
I read an article the other day that said 90% of Georgians polled favor Sunday sales of alcohol. I don't drink, but I have no problem with them selling alcohol on Sundays. I doubt you will see that much of an increase of alcohol sales. Most likely it would cause a drop in sales on Saturdays. If anyone thinks the blue laws on alcohol were preventing anyone from consuming alcohol on Sunday, has another thing coming.
I really don't care one way or the other. I agree with Fox, it won't make that big of a difference. I do realize, however that we are one of the few states that still prohibit Sunday alcohol sales, an indication why some think were behind the times and a little backwards.
I spoke with someone yesterday that said this issue is covered in the GA Constitution and that the decision rests with the state. I had not heard that before. Seems someone in the legislature just discovered that. If it is true then it would need to be amended to give the authority to decide to the local folks. I don't think the Legislature has the will to pursue this either way. It will be interesting to see which groups have the most influence in this area. :-\\
I heard on the news this morning that 90% of Georgians polled favor Sunday sales.
I heard on the way back from lunch that it's dead. The Senate did a polling of Republican members, and felt like they didn't have enough to do anything with.
Foxmeister said:
I read an article the other day that said 90% of Georgians polled favor Sunday sales of alcohol. I don't drink, but I have no problem with them selling alcohol on Sundays. I doubt you will see that much of an increase of alcohol sales. Most likely it would cause a drop in sales on Saturdays. If anyone thinks the blue laws on alcohol were preventing anyone from consuming alcohol on Sunday, has another thing coming.

That's what it boils down to. May as well permit it. The law is just symbolic in my opinion.
Since the polls indicate the vast majority want Sunday sales, then the legislature should at the very least put it on the ballot to let the people vote on it. The Republicans would be showing hypocrisy if they don't follow the will of the people.
From what I'm reading and understanding, it's a Statewide issue and they can't present legislation that would allow each municipality to decide without being in violation of the Georgia Constitution.
Foxmeister said:
Since the polls indicate the vast majority want Sunday sales, then the legislature should at the very least put it on the ballot to let the people vote on it. The Republicans would be showing hypocrisy if they don't follow the will of the people.

As they should have done with the state flag....I mean the real state flag that was being debated at the time. I've come to accept that it's NEVER about the will of the people. If they follow the state flag vote, the questions would be something like this:

1. Do you really want people to drink on Sunday? Yes___ No___
2. You don't want people to drink on Sunday do you? Yes___ No___

Madea said:
From what I'm reading and understanding, it's a Statewide issue and they can't present legislation that would allow each municipality to decide without being in violation of the Georgia Constitution.
That is what I was told yesterday by someone who is at the Gold Dome every day. I don't think the Legislature has the will to do anything about changing things.
I have two thoughts:

a) it's a silly law since they sell alkeehaul in restaurants on Sundays, but whatev. And,

2) I have come to the conclusion that pretty much all our state legislators and national legislators are shiftless shonks who don't care about anything but takin' naps and playin' cards. GAH!!!
mei lan said:
I have two thoughts:

a) it's a silly law since they sell alkeehaul in restaurants on Sundays, but whatev. And,

2) I have come to the conclusion that pretty much all our state legislators and national legislators are shiftless shonks who don't care about anything but takin' naps and playin' cards. GAH!!!

Well, strip my gears and call me shiftless. I ain't heard that one before! :))
I don't buy it through out the week ... I do have an occasional margarita but that is about it!!!

But that is one thing I have never understood... Why can't we buy it on Sunday... Jesus did turn water into wine after all

I docent stop people drinking on Sunday ...they just buy it Saturday anyway
I really don't care one way or the other. I don't see it bringing a huge increase in sales or consumption so I don't see it as an economic issue.

But what some really fail to see is that this is one issue where alcohol distributors and some christians are on the same side. Some prefer to simply blame the Christian Coalition completely forgetting that the liquor lobby is putting more money into this than anyone.

Liquor stores don't want it because they will feel obligated to open an additional day and the sales increase won't support the additional costs of being open that day.

I'm not really saying this in support of the ban just in hopes that folks will see a bigger picture.
Madea said:
I really don't care one way or the other. I don't see it bringing a huge increase in sales or consumption so I don't see it as an economic issue.

But what some really fail to see is that this is one issue where alcohol distributors and some christians are on the same side. Some prefer to simply blame the Christian Coalition completely forgetting that the liquor lobby is putting more money into this than anyone.

Liquor stores don't want it because they will feel obligated to open an additional day and the sales increase won't support the additional costs of being open that day.

I'm not really saying this in support of the ban just in hopes that folks will see a bigger picture.

I totally understand where you are coming from in your post.

I, for one, support the sale of it on Sunday. It is not really that big of a deal as it is now. But, we should have that choice to decide for ourselves. I agree with Fox 100% on this.

And I am also tired of lobbiests (is that right? lol) in Washington and the gold dome swaying votes in their favor. That is something taht I can't stand regardless of party affiliation. I think lobbiests should be banned, IMO.

How the heck do you spell that? Is lobbiest even right? lol
I wonder if anyone has thought about allowing only beer & wine on Sunday? That way the package stores could stay closed, and if someone wanted a cold one or a red glass they could head to the grocery store which is always open? :BH