Stupid Girl continues to be stupid

Guard Dad

Staff member
Stupid Girl needs to study our Constitution.

Civics (History and Government) Questions for the Naturalization Test

What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
▪ the Bill of Rights

What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?
▪ speech
▪ religion
▪ assembly
▪ press
▪ petition the government

What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?
▪ freedom of expression
▪ freedom of speech
▪ freedom of assembly
▪ freedom to petition the government
▪ freedom of religion
▪ the right to bear arms

I agree with the article:
"The Republican conference is focused on moving this nation forward by helping people get back to work, kids back to school, and vaccines for those who want it, and won't be distracted by petty political attacks from the left, especially from a hyper-partisan member like AOC,"

And if AOC would remember our Bill of Rights... from the comments:
Precisely, AOC, there ARE no consequences in this country for saying something that the majority party disagrees with. It’s called free speech. You can try to argue all you want that certain speech isn’t protected, but that’s completely incorrect. Our founding fathers knew that, given the chance, eventually people would make arguments like this. That certain speech is actually the same as violence. Well it’s not. You can stand on the floor of the House of Representatives and you can say 9/11 was an inside job, Sandy Hook was a false flag, and QAnon is real and there’s nothing the Dems can do to stop it. The minute we start allowing this kind of rhetoric about “dangerous speech” to stand is when we lose this country.