So what happens from here?

Guard Dad

Staff member
Pence is under some fire for not calling the election today. Personally, I don't think he really had a choice here and did what what right. As much I I don't want the Democrats to have the White House, and though I absolutely think they "won" by cheating; fudging the Constitution is never the right thing to do.

Trump has now thrown his own VP under the bus, and proclaimed to his supporters that he will never concede.

So what now? Trump can't just refuse to leave. I don't know of any arrows left in his quill other than declaring marshal law, and I really can't fathom how that would be good for our country.

So what now? Anyone have a clue?
So now the congress meets and does it's thing, count all the delegates or only a portion, but the one with the most electorial votes will be declared the POTUS in the near future. Trump doesn't need to concede, Hillary never did, but I have no doubt that creepy Joe will be sworn in and the country will begin to go to hell. Someone told me that if Tossoff and Warlock win, the filibuster rules revert back to the old rules,,, just don't known how that happens.
Look back at history and think of 1914 and the Archduke Franz Ferdinand...could this happen here? I hope not. Those who are screaming to have Trump arrested and hauled off to jail might be wise to study history and see how one thing can lead to a chain reaction of unpleasantries.

I believe Biden will be sworn in, Trump will continue to be a thorn in his side as long as the media will listen. But when the media attention peters out, Trump will try to sell a few books, give a couple of speeches and try again in 2024.

But I'd like to see Trump just ride off into the sunset with Melania and go play golf. Melania's a step-up from Michelle or Hillary for sure, and playing golf would be better suited for him instead of continuing this mess.
The GOP needs to start right now with their selection process for 2024 and getting the voting laws straightened out to eliminate cheating. I like the Australian voting where everyone is required to vote in person or be fined. If you're laid up in hospital, they come to you,,, and everyone shows picture id, no exceptions,,, all paper ballots, hand counted. Then at the end of it all I guess they announce that Elizabeth II is still the Queen, because I have no idea what they vote on, but I like their system.
One thing at a time folks....let’s not jump to 2024 yet. We don’t yet know how this is going to play out. The end is near, one way or the other, but it’s not over yet. Should we just fold and give Dems the whole enchilada or show some backbone and fight for our nation and our children’s and grandchildren’s futures? To be clear...I do not condone violence and lawlessness in any form from any group or party but I’m also glad to finally see some protests for our causes. I’m still not convinced the ones who crossed the lines were not organized protesters who infiltrated the Trump rally. No, I have no proof but I’ve yet to see any to the contrary. I’m sure we’ll know soon.
Well, one good thing is that for at least the next two years, The Democrats will own everything that happens. They will have near total control, and we need to hold their feet to the fire for EVERYTHING that goes wrong. And there will be much to go wrong.

As I stated on Facebook, I'm encouraged to see good people standing up and saying ENOUGH as well. But we cannot lower ourselves to violence as the left has. Some say civil war is coming; if it does, that's when it will be time for violence, Until them, our side has to be better than that.

But I will be packing just in case they start it.
Funny how politicians change their mind quickly when the winds shift. Our very own Loeffler now will not object to the electoral vote after proudly proclaiming only a few hours ago that she would never give up fighting for The American People. I smelled a rat with her during the GE and why I didn’t vote for then. Go ahead and keep kidding yourself that any mean a word they say, keep voting for them and of course keep supporting their campaigns.

Unless there's a remaining pathway I don't know about, I think it's time for Trump to at least acknowledge that he can't prevent Biden from becoming the next president. He doesn't have to conceded, he wouldn't be the first, but given the almost 100% certainly that he'll be moving in two weeks, we need to have an official transition in place.

Frankly, Trump is looking a bit maniacal at this point, and I see no good coming from it. Scuttlebutt is that many of his staff are meeting to discuss 25th amendment options. Which means Pence and Trump's own people would turn on him. Not good, if true.
I will say that I've felt for a while that as long as the GOP kept getting back into office, they were not going to listen and won't care what we think.

Maybe this will be the wakeup call the GOP leadership needs to remember that the voters have the last say.
Unless the voting laws are adhered to, not necessarily changed but adhered to as written pre-COVID you will never see another GOP nominee elected at the national level and fewer elected at state levels. A few exceptions possible. One, the GOP uses the same exact illegal tactics concerning voting. Two, the Dems implode by destroying the country with their policies to the point even the Libtards realize they have effed up. Three, the GOP and SCOTUS grow a pair and hold states/officials criminally responsible for voter fraud. Four, no candidate named Trump ever runs again. Five, revolution.
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Unless there's a remaining pathway I don't know about, I think it's time for Trump to at least acknowledge that he can't prevent Biden from becoming the next president. He doesn't have to conceded, he wouldn't be the first, but given the almost 100% certainly that he'll be moving in two weeks, we need to have an official transition in place.

Frankly, Trump is looking a bit maniacal at this point, and I see no good coming from it. Scuttlebutt is that many of his staff are meeting to discuss 25th amendment options. Which means Pence and Trump's own people would turn on him. Not good, if true.
Already happened :
