Skin Care and What\'s for Dinner Needs


Driver In Training
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ryan Kettwig. I am a Mary Kay Consultant and a Senior Tastefully Simple Consultant.

I am here on the highway to serve your skin care needs. Who loves FREE things? I prefer to give away Mary Kay products. How can I take advantage of FREE products? You ask. It's VERY easy. Book a facial (1 or 2 of your family or friends) or a party (3 or more guests) and you will earn FREE products based on sales. Plus, you will get something FREE for hosting the get together.

If your skin is fabulous and wrinkle free and you don't really need the Mary Kay, I can help make your dinner time whoas a little easier. Tastefully Simple offers spices, mixes (drink and food) and ready to pour sauces. Have you ever tried Tastefully Simple? If not, you really are missing out on cutting down the time you spend in the kitchen. How would you like to get FREE food? Let's get a taste testing or catalog party scheduled for you today.
We are hooking up with you soon. And we are going to try all this out. We so look forward to it. This will be a fund raiser for Lighthouse Food Pantry. We are still working on a date to get with you on. I will let you know soon. Cant wait.