Rock of Ages



This is a rock musical that will be released June 15th. Tom Cruise plays a rock star and he actually sings his own vocals. I heard a sneak preview of him singing "Pour Some Sugar On Me" and I have to admit it sounded pretty good. Catherine Zeta-Jones is in it as well and she too can sing. I remember how she wowed me in Chicago.

Here's the trailer for "Rock of Ages."
Rock Of Ages Official Trailer
Oh. My. Gosh. How did I miss this??? :faint I loved the Broadway musical!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see this. :cheer1 :cheer1 :DN :cheer1 :cheer1
I saw this with my girlfriend this afternoon. We laughed out loud and sang loud and off key for the entire movie! (Along with all the others in attendance!)
It is not the same as the Broadway musical, and has a few um, interesting scenes, but who cares? The music was awesome! Tom Cruise can sing!! (and he is still pretty darn hot! :faint ) All the actors can sing. Oh my, the scene with Alex Baldwin and Russel Brand was priceless!!!!!
The hair, the clothes, I :love the 80's!!!!!
I have some friends who reported loving it too. I need to see this. Loved the 80s music!