Ramaswamy 2024

Looking at his past, I seriously think he's pretty close to being a liberal but googled "current right-wing talking points" and memorized them before jumping into the presidential race.
I'm seen some reports that claim he's modified his positions over the years.
Changing positions is fine but he gives me a used car salesman vibe every time I hear him talk. I just don't trust what he is saying now is truly how he feels or how he would govern. I could certainly be wrong though.
Some of the conservative younger guys are really digging him.
This guy is a liberal pretending to be a Republican. Many Americans lost their IT and engineering jobs because the technology industry kept claiming there was a larger shortage of these degrees than there was. These immigrants were paid far less than the Americans they replaced.
Regardless if anyone agrees with his latest statement on the validity of the Juneteenth holiday, I think this validates the thought that Vivek is a pure politician that is now simply parroting talking points he thinks will help him win instead of having core principles that drive his statements and policy positions.

He's pretty lucky. Slow pressure loss in private planes have killed several people including Payne Stewart, the golfer who's plane flew from Orlando to the middle of South Dakota before crashing. The National Guard pilots who intercepted the jet found the windows iced over, indicating pressure loss. The crash of the business jet back in June is suspected to be due to pressure loss.

Ramaswamy goes viral following exchange with LGBTQ activist: 'I respect that you have a different opinion'​

“When a kid is saying their gender doesn’t match their biological sex, they’re going through a mental health struggle. That’s a mental health condition,” Ramaswamy said during an interview with The Blaze.

Believe it or not, I was a kid once. I remember one week, I would want to be a cowboy. The next week a fireman, and the week after a policeman. I also wanted to be a professional baseball and football player, architect, and a list of other professions. This is typical of any kid. I remember when my youngest sister was four. She wanted to be a horse when she grew up.