Beach Bum

Stunt Driver
I know I ask a lot of you guys and gals but I know I can count on you. One of my dearest friends in the world desperately needs our prayers. My friend and fellow Paulding Countian, Jane Martinez, was diagnosed recently with Hypertropic Cardio Myopathy (the genetic heart disease which is well known as a leading cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes. )

Her cardiologist sent her to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and after going through numerous tests, it was determined that she desperately needed open heart surgery. She arrived in Minnesota with her daughter and husband on Tuesday and had surgery today. Unfortunately, during the open heart surgery Jane developed major complications, one being that her heart ruptured. They have had major problems controlling the bleeding and have not yet been able to stablize her. She is in very critical condition, on life support and in ICU at St. Mary's Hospital at Mayo Clinic.

As Jane worked at the Paulding County Chamber of Commerce for many years, I think some of you might know her. Jane has always contributed so much to our community but more importantly, she is a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and friend. She is only in her mid 50's and has always taken such good care of herself, stayed in shape, eaten right, etc.- I always say she puts me to shame! :)

Please say a prayer for Jane and her family. Her husband Allen and her daughter Tiffany are at Mayo with her but I can't imagine how they must feel being all alone so far away from home, not knowing anyone there, and having their Wife and Mother struggle for her life. I spoke with Tiffany on the phone a little while ago and while she is trying so hard to stay strong, I can tell it is a struggle for her.

Would you please say a prayer for Jane and her family? Thank you!
Oh my sweet BB. I was just reading my friends Facebook page and learned what her mother was facing. We've already been praying for the same family and didn't even know it. My prayers continue and are lifted with yours. Her daughter (and grandchildren) are sweet, wonderful people. :love
Best Wishes to your friend, BB! Great friends are the best and knowing yours is ill, breaks my heart. Please know y'all are in my thoughts. :love :love
Thanks everyone! Update: Jane went into cardiac arrest last night right before midnight and thankfully, they were able to resuscitate her. Her blood pressure is still all over the place but I think that is to be expected. She had been running a fever of 104 and it is done down to 101. They thankfully don't think she has a fever from infection, just from the stress on her body. She will be on life support for another 24-48 hours.

She is showing some signs of improvement but she is not yet considered "stable" so please continue to pray for her. I can't stand the thought of them being in Minnesota all alone so I might just be taking a little trip next week. :)

You people here are wonderful - thank you for the prayers!
I'm just now seeing this, BB, but rest assured we will be praying! Please keep us posted. We serve a Big God. ;)
Somehow, I missed this, too, but I'm adding Jane to my prayer list.

And I will say, she is one blessed lady to have a friend like you!!!
I am asking again for your prayers for Jane.

She has sufferered another tear in her heart and they have rushed her back into emergency surgery. She DESPARATELY needs our prayers right now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
My heart is broken. My friend Jane passed away a few minutes ago. Jane will be so very missed by her family, friends and our community but heaven is blessed with a new angel.

Thank you all for the prayers - God just needed another blond haired, full of energy and spunk, beautiful, compassionate angel in heaven..... RIP Jane.