PlayStation Vita vs. Nintendo 3DS


Licensed Driver
Alright, Christmas season is fixing to come around the corner, and I thought I could do a little review and share some opinions...
PlayStation Vita has upgraded graphics, nothing too noteworthy.
Nintendo 3DS has the graphic slider on the edge of the top half that turns on 3D...3D ACTUALLY WORKS on this thing!
Winner: Nintendo 3DS

#2- The look of the systems
PSVITA- It's got its own modern advanced look, you got the usual D-Pad, the usual Triangle, Square, Circle, and X diamond, the start, the select, and now you have the PlayStation logo button that takes you back to the home menu, two new analog sticks, and believe it or not, it includes a touch screen that really works well. The only drag, is that its only available in black so far.
3DS- Ahh the joy of the effort Nintendo puts into their systems, you got blue, black, red, some different colors available for you or a kid to be able to choose! Yippee! It's got the same 2 screens as the Nintendo DS, but this time, this includes the new gravitational slider under the D-Pad, and the 3D slider up on the top screen at the bottom right.
Winner: It's a tough one, but I have to go with the 3DS...

#3- Applications
PSVITA- The applications on the screen include Welcome Park, a compilation mini-game package that shows you what the PS Vita is capable of; Party, the PS Store where you can download and buy applications and games; "near", a application that shows you who else is playing in the area and what they are playing; Friends, keep track of friends online; Group Messaging, of course used for that; Trophies, Sony's version of Achievements, these are accomplished when a player gets to a certain level or unlocks something, etc.; Photos, you can look at photos and even take 'em too, and film videos as well; Network Operator, gets things set up so you can use 3G with AT&T; Browser, an online web browser; Music, videos, content manager are usually used to update that type of stuff and copy it from your PC or PS3.; Maps, you can look at Google Maps; On the PS Store, you can download even more free applications such as Facebook, flickr, foursquare, LiveTweet, Music Unlimited, niconico, Paint Park, Skype, YouTube, and even Netflix!

3DS- It's much more of a simpler interface. There's Photos where you can look at photos and take pictures and film and make videos, there's the AR card game where characters will pop off of cards with your own camera, there's internet browser, settings, the Nintendo eShop, you can record sounds on it, and that's pretty much it. You can download more games and demos and applications, you can download Netflix, but when it comes down to the wire, the PSVITA has much more of a variety when it comes to applications.

Winner: PS Vita

#4 Games
PSVita- It has its own share, like you have your ModNation Racers, LittleBigPlanet, the new PlayStation All-Stars that's fixing to come out, your average sports games that come out every year, and so on really.
3DS- It's got physical backwards compatibility with DS games, something VITA doesn't have unless you overpay to download PSP games on PS Store digitally. The 3DS has a remake of Ocarina of Time, it's got New Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario 3D Land, Star Fox 64 3D, Pokemon Rumble Blast, Mario Kart 7, and tons more. You really can't go wrong with this selection of games in its library.
Winner: Nintendo 3DS

BONUS! #5 Which is easier for my kid to use?
PSVita- When I first got it, it took a LONG WHILE to get used to, I thought it was too advanced even for me at first, but I got used to the interface after around 30 minutes. The store owner at CC Gaming in Kennesaw told me this one kid that got it for his birthday took it in and traded it in because it was too hard for him to get used to. So, instead he got a Game Boy Advance SP and got 15 games with it. That's what I call simplicity!
3DS- It's got a very simple interface, you can go back and forth into applications in a quicker pace, even though the VITA has a better online selection for apps and such, even though 3DS doesn't have Facebook or YouTube, the 3DS is I think unarguably the better product for a kid to use.
Winner: Nintendo 3DS

Now, which do you think is the better console? What are your favorite game(s) on the two systems? Since many members on here have kids in real life, I wanna hear from the demographic. What do you think?
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, the 3G isn't worth the extra money for a PS Vita...I believe you have to buy a separate plan from AT&T for that...So if you want the Vita, pay for general WiFi...
Yeah man, it depends on what type of games are on the systems, to the consumer's liking...Adults should get Vita, kids should get 3DS...Harvest Moon by the way is a GREAT game.