OK, Fine. There are 43 Days

I'm Floored said:
mei lan said:
A friend of mine and I decided years ago that we were gonna make 30 look great (then 40, then 50). We love ourselves even with our flaws, and we celebrate getting older (and more mature). Lord knows I would NEVER want to go backwards in time.

Besides, 50 is the new 30, 60 is the new 40, and 70 is the new 50. And I'm absolutely serious about that. My next-door neighbor is 81, and she is more active than most 30-year-olds I know.

LOVE that!

"She who adores me" is about to turn 52

My 50th b'day was kind of ehhh. I wasn't terribly happy with who I was then. But the last 3 years or so have been fantastic! I feel younger than I did 20 years ago and am enjoying life.