My split from the admitting mistakes thread...



I read Madea's response and she said, "Would you believe I had someone say to me the other day that, and I quote, "I never make mistakes"? I looked at her and thought to myself that she must be a robot or God himself in disguise. :)" and it reminded me of a girl I worked with years ago.

She said she never farted. I backed slowly away from her. She asked why I did that. I said, "Because I don't want to be around you when you explode from holding them in!!" She never spoke to me again. :laugh
HAHAHAHAA I've known a couple of people who said that. They were two of the most incredibly rigid, uptight, controlling people I've ever known. Sheesh...
well now how did this get turned around to me? :laugh GD will run you plum out of this office..don't let him fool you.

Everyone does it..It cracks me up to hear people say they don't. It's just some of us have the courtesy to go to the restroom or outside to do it unlike a certain man I know who makes it a point to hold it in till he reaches my office and then let's it rip and to be fair to GD it's not just's all the guys I work with :tapfoot2 :laugh