More Voters Say They're Better off under Trump than When Obama, Bush Sought Re-election: Gallup Poll

This is yet another piece of data that would seem to conflict with the public polls.
I was listening to a radio program last week that said a poll showed 68% of conservatives responding will not publicly acknowledge who they support in fear of reprisals. The majority of liberals responding said they had no problem publicly acknowledging support for their candidates.

We have seen many times in the news where a person wearing a MAGA hat have had it snatched off their head by someone on the left; and that person being harassed by the left. We have seen reports where Trump yard signs are being stolen, cars with Trump bumper stickers being damaged, etc. We have seen statements from actors and actresses who have publicly supported Trump be cancelled out in their profession.

It's no wonder why the polls show Biden in the lead nationally and the numbers tight in polls of swing states. I have had several calls where they identify themselves taking a poll and asking me if I would participate. I just hang up because how do I know they really are who they say they are? I can completely understand why many conservatives would do the same thing. I don't wear a MAGA hat and I don't have a Trump/Pence bumper sticker on my car for the same reason I don't open carry my handgun. Doing so only puts a target on my back. I don't want my car damaged and I don't want to be harassed because of who I am voting for. These progressives are horrible in that way.