Megyn Kelly Is A Hack...

You could just ask me why I think she is a media hack...

Or you could make assumptions about my motivation...

I prefer the direct approach.


If you prefer the direct approach then why not put it in the first post when making this thread calling her a hack?

I'll bite...why do you think she is a media hack?
Many don't like her because of her questions (100% valid BTW) to Trump during the debate and her unwillingness to be a Trumpster on Fox News. I wish for a time when partisanship doesn't get in the way of honesty and common sense.
To do that you must first look beyond her....uhhhh.....her brains....yeah, that's it.
This Megyn Kelly?

I do not like her after the whole interview with the million kids people and totally not asking any hard questions. My dog could have done a better interview and after that all crap broke with all the other stuff that went on. She seemed to be handling them with kid gloves which due to the disgusting accusations that wound up true (and more) put her on my she is not really a journalist list. (Though FTR, that is a LONG list)
That was me being nice... I could have called her a media whore.


My humble opinion. Back in the days of Walter Cronkite, the news was reported. Of course Walter attained a sort of celebrity status mainly because of his longevity in his position. In the modern era, these so-called anchors and "journalists" want to be "The News", not simply report it. ALL of them....if you've noticed....coincidentally have written a book. Or should I say, have latched on to a publisher who cares nothing about the subject but is more than willing to skim royalties off of the "journalists" name and popularity. And then the publisher sits them with people for interviews and THOSE people actually do the writing and editing.

Anyone can say what they wish about Megyn's questioning of Trump, but to me it was clearly to draw attention to herself whether the questions were legitimate or not. She got the attention she sought, separated herself from the typical Fox News crowd and "moved up the ladder" to NBC. The jury is still out on whether that will turn out to be a smart move or not.

I don't have a problem with tough questioning of politicians. I DO have a problem with them being asked of ONE SIDE ONLY. Anyone who can't tell the difference is an idiot.