Jilted ex-boyfriend puts up abortion billboard


Pursuit Driver
A New Mexico man's decision to lash out with a billboard ad saying his ex-girlfriend had an abortion against his wishes has touched off a legal debate over free speech and privacy rights.

The sign on Alamogordo's main thoroughfare shows 35-year-old Greg Fultz holding the outline of an infant. The text reads, "This Would Have Been A Picture Of My 2-Month Old Baby If The Mother Had Decided To Not KILL Our Child!"...
link to full article

Dude. Lends strength to the argument of don't have babies with somebody you don't know their character. But that is depressing.
My reaction - I like it. I think we should use that in all sorts of venues - for girl's killed by drunk drivers, post their picture with a comment of "this would have been a picture of me at my wedding, if ____ hadn't been driving drunk." But, most people won't like it because it holds them publicly accountable for their actions....
LisaC said:
My reaction - I like it. I think we should use that in all sorts of venues - for girl's killed by drunk drivers, post their picture with a comment of "this would have been a picture of me at my wedding, if ____ hadn't been driving drunk." But, most people won't like it because it holds them publicly accountable for their actions....
The problem with that line ... what she may or may not have done (her friends say it was a miscarriage) is not illegal.
unionmom said:
LisaC said:
My reaction - I like it. I think we should use that in all sorts of venues - for girl's killed by drunk drivers, post their picture with a comment of "this would have been a picture of me at my wedding, if ____ hadn't been driving drunk." But, most people won't like it because it holds them publicly accountable for their actions....
The problem with that line ... what she may or may not have done (her friends say it was a miscarriage) is not illegal.
If it's not true, then she can get an injunction and have it ordered to be removed. It's simple to file a motion to file medical documents under seal with the court (which prevents the public from being able to request them). The judge can review the documents, issue the injunction and order the guy to remove the billboard. The fact that court officials only "recommended" that it be taken down just tells me that she hasn't provided the evidence necessary. But, there's always more to the story so it will be interesting to see how this one shakes out.
But again ... not the same thing as a drunk driver killing someone since she did nothing illegal.
unionmom said:
But again ... not the same thing as a drunk driver killing someone since she did nothing illegal.
Putting up a billboard is the ex boyfriend's right to free speech, that's not illegal either.
LisaC said:
unionmom said:
But again ... not the same thing as a drunk driver killing someone since she did nothing illegal.
Putting up a billboard is the ex boyfriend's right to free speech, that's not illegal either.
I was simply following your line of discussion when you said you liked it for all sorts of venues including drunk driver scenarios. That implies that it is at least similar. My point is that it is not because of the legal act vs. illegal act factor.

As for whether or not it is ok for him to do this, that'll be what the court will decide. She certainly does have some things going against her on the matter but it his motive was retaliation against her vs. a true protest for father's rights then he is likely to have some real problems with the matter. Had he done this much sooner he would seemingly have much better footing. It would come across much more as a father's rights issue than a lashing out attack by an ex-love. Additionally, his attorney is comparing this billboard to the military funeral demonstrations. There's a big difference there as well since the soldiers at the funerals aren't being attacked personally in those demonstrations yet in this case the woman is an apparent target.

It certainly will be interesting to see how this ends up going.
unionmom said:
I was simply following your line of discussion when you said you liked it for all sorts of venues including drunk driver scenarios. That implies that it is at least similar. My point is that it is not because of the legal act vs. illegal act factor.
I was actually looking at it as more of an accountability issue, not a legal one. But, let me clarify that and say that I'm pro life so I do see the two scenarios as similar.
LisaC said:
I was actually looking at it as more of an accountability issue, not a legal one. But, let me clarify that and say that I'm pro life so I do see the two scenarios as similar.
And in my opinion it is a slippery slope that is way too close to a scarlet letter for my liking. Where is the line? What actions should or should not be posted on a public billboard?

Again ... because of the amount of time that appears to have passed since the apparent abortion it seems as though his intent is not to help with fathers' rights but to lash out at and hurt her. Of course we don't know if this has been in the works for any period of time and we're not being told how long they've been broken up.
And he would not have been able to hold a fetus, so it makes sense to wait until after the birth would have been.
Madea said:
He didn't name her in the billboard.
You're right ... and I see that as a problem for her.

Madea said:
And he would not have been able to hold a fetus, so it makes sense to wait until after the birth would have been.
Right but if he only wanted to do this after the break up it becomes problematic for him. It comes down to his intent. Certainly if he can show that this has been an ongoing issue for him and this billboard (or some form of protest) has been in the works for a while, he stands on much better ground.
unionmom said:
Madea said:
He didn't name her in the billboard.
You're right ... and I see that as a problem for her.

Madea said:
And he would not have been able to hold a fetus, so it makes sense to wait until after the birth would have been.
Right but if he only wanted to do this after the break up it becomes problematic for him. It comes down to his intent. Certainly if he can show that this has been an ongoing issue for him and this billboard (or some form of protest) has been in the works for a while, he stands on much better ground.

Agreed. Oh, and if I were some other girl who had dated him, I'd be pissed! What if somebody thought it was me?!? GAH!
I like it. If America was shown more truths involving responsibility, I think our society would be better off. If there were commercials showing aborted fetuses, I wouldn't imaging that our public opinions on abortion would be 50/50. Horrible sights to see. I can only imagine how it grieves the heart of God.
He was dumb for getting a girlfriend pregnant, but good for him for putting up the billboard.