It's hard to know what's really going on now. We went from most of the polls being pretty close to each other, and then once Princess Harris was crowned, we have all these additional polls that are all over the place. RCP, which used to be my go to, has become fairly useless because of the numbers being skewed.
Rassmussen, Sienna, Harvard-Harris, etc are all pretty close and still showing Trump with a bit of an advantage.
Then we have ABC-Ipsos, Morning Consult, NBC, Tipp and a couple of others showing Harris with significant leads. While I do think the race is too close for comfort, I'm having a hard time believing these polls. The guy at Rassmussen has taken the time to break their numbers down and show that either their math is funny or the answers to the sub-questions such as "which candidate do you trust on the economy" don't add up to their overall totals. Another issue is that Harris is well behind where Biden was at in the state polls four years ago. That doesn't seen to add up to the national polls either.
The only issue where the Democrat consistently wins on is abortion. But, that isn't looking to be quite as important a factor as we feared. Trump usually wins on the other issues.
I'm reading leaks that the internal polls are showing Trump in much better shape than Kamala, but we usually don't get to see these polls, so I can't confirm this.
So yeah, I do think there's a concerted effort to prop Harris up and mislead the public. It's very frustrating!
And yes, the Trump hate is a concerning factor. Some of it goes well beyond logic, it's almost as if people have been carefully programmed to hate the guy. I just don't get the hate, regardless of which candidate it is. If Trump loses, it's because of the hate for him. It's also why he lost last time; people voted for Biden because as far as they knew he was still the goofy ole likeable Joe. And look where that got us.