I saw this statement on Facebook...

Guard Dad

Staff member
...and it hit home.

"Only Americans are dumb enough to start a civil war over their last civil war"

Ouch!! Ouch!!

OK, I don't think it has much to do with being dumb. In fact, I think there are some very shrewd people behind this.

I have to ask, and I have asked by none of my liberal friends have answered: we had eight years with a mixed race president in office; why wasn't these monuments a national disaster then when presumably you had an ally in the White House? And he could have handled it with some grace and in a much more peaceful manner.

So why now?

I saw an article posted on a friend's page stating that Hillary correctly predicted the rise of white supremacy under a Trump administration. Whoa!! There has been no recent rise of white supremacy, only a rise in the amount of hate and anger toward white people and Donald Trump. How did Hillary predict it? Because she's one of the people behind it.

I do fear a rise in white supremacy though. Why? Because hate spread by one extremist group typically spurs a reaction from the opposing extremist group. And they are there, no doubt about it. But hope everyone can realize that they are the minority and the vast majority of us do not support the beliefs of either extreme end of the spectrum.

I fear for our nation. This is ugly and there are powerful people behind it.

Why can some people not see what's really going on here?