I\'m Tired!!!



I left the house at 6:30 AM for Camp Atterbury, IN this morning. I arrived there at 3:00 CST and turned in all my deployment equipment. I arrived back to my place at midnight tonight. To IN and back in one day. Now that's a lot of driving. I'm off to bed to crash!
UGH!!! I like driving, but sheesh. However, I would have done as you did and be done with it. Kudos, dude!
Glad the only thing you crashed was your bed. That's a lot of driving!! I'll bet you're glad it's done though. :)
When I arrived there and checked in at 3:00, I asked this female sergeant if I could go turn my stuff in then. She told me I would have to wait until 1:00 the following day. I knew all those people would still be working so I went over to the central issue facility and asked them if they would let me turn my stuff in then. They accepted my stuff and signed my clearing papers. I went back to the female sergeant, gave her my clearing papers and she said, "You weren't supposed to do this until tomorrow afternoon." I repliied, "Never tell me I have to wait until tomorrow to do something I know I can do today." I then smiled and left.