Hunter Biden emails under investigation by Senate Homeland Security Committee after hard-drive report emerges

From the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee

too little

too late

the Biden's skate on this

just like, Comey, Lois Lehner, Brennnan, Page etc. etc. etc.

Accountability is a huge issue....

I wouldn't be shocked if Biden cancels his townhall in the next few hours.

If he does go through with it, I also wouldn't be shocked if something new gets released a couple hours before it starts.
I wouldn't be shocked if Biden cancels his townhall in the next few hours.

If he does go through with it, I also wouldn't be shocked if something new gets released a couple hours before it starts.

check out CNN's website.....

there is nothing there in regards to Hunter Biden

MSNBC has a hit piece on Rudy over Ukraine

yet.... it's front page news on Fox , Drudge & The Daily Fail .... err, Mail.......The Daily Mail.