
Interesting comment:
First us black folk leave the Dem plantation and now the cops "beat-feet" to Donnie. He got the 2nd term man!!!!!

I don't know if Trump will win, but when people don't feel safe or protected, it does not bode well for those supporting the violence.
The Dems are complaining police unions are endorsing Trump? What gall! Did they really think police unions were going to endorse a Democrat after Democrats are demanding police departments be defunded; after accusing police of using unnecessary force during riots; after slamming police every way they could? Democrats are such dumbasses if they believe people they've insulted will come out and endorse them.
The Dems are complaining police unions are endorsing Trump? What gall! Did they really think police unions were going to endorse a Democrat after Democrats are demanding police departments be defunded; after accusing police of using unnecessary force during riots; after slamming police every way they could? Democrats are such dumbasses if they believe people they've insulted will come out and endorse them.
No, they figured that they had the rest of us conservative afraid to speak out - least we be beaten up by a mob and our businesses burned to the ground.

They figured they already neutered the police, they would therefore not dare to speak against the socialists/marxists.

A revolution is coming I fear. Not by conservatives, but conservatives will come under attack and be pushed to defend themselves. You saw the Seattle BLM go into white suburbs and demand they give them their house?

Black Lives Matter activists in Seattle are demanding homeowners willingly give up their property to Black people as a form of reparations because they’re “coming for it” one way or the other.