Guess what I got from FedEx?

I'm Floored

Lover of BS!

:B_S :B_S :B_S :B_S :B_S

Well, there were some hardwood samples, too, but the Bubble Wrap is the fun stuff! :DN
The New Years that was the most fun, I had saved all the bubble wrap from Christmas. We were at a big party that had many kids -ages 6 to 14.

We spread the bubble wrap all over their large deck, and at midnight, we had the kids bang pots and spoons while they stomped on the bubble wrap. It was quite entertaining!

Oh, and did I mention loud?
MacDaddy said:
So, what is your preference?

Big bubbles?

Or, the little ones?

Tiny bubbles when stomped on sound like crackling fireworks... the big ones are more like gunshots. You gotta have both! ;)