Federal Reserve Expected to Cut Rates, Lift Biden's Prospects

I don't think it will matter much to voters because even with the cuts, the rates will still be higher than they were before Biden took office. It still won't improve the economy for the majority of the middle class as prices for daily essentials are still high. Could you look at the price of beef in stores? Hamburger for $5.97/lb. Ribeyes $24/lb. This is ridiculous.
Too little and too late, plus some analyst call for the market to drop substantially if rates are cut. Not saying I agree or disagree, but that's what some a saying. Voters won't be happy about that.
It would seem there would be such a time lag between rate cuts and the actual consumer seeing the benefits, I'm not sure it would help him much.
Besides, as long as they keep giving away borrowed cash trying to buy votes, I don't see the inflation numbers going down as people spend that money. Look at all the loan giveaways.