Erick Erickson...

I gave up on GB over two years ago, I never was a fan of EE and lately his opinions have proven once again why I've never care for him.
Sounds rational and makes sense to me.

Rational to pretend that Trump supporters are analogous to the KKK ? ? ?

Playing the race card here makes sense ? ? ?

Have we not had enough of this vulgar
smear from the left over the past 8 years ? ? ?

I am going to leave you with one of my favorite quotes :

A man must be excessively stupid, as well as uncharitable,
who believes that there is no virtue but on his own side, and that there
are not men as honest as himself who may differ from him in political principles.

- Joseph Addison

Rational to pretend that Trump supporters are analogous to the KKK ? ? ?

Playing the race card here makes sense ? ? ?

Have we not had enough of this vulgar
smear from the left over the past 8 years ? ? ?

I am going to leave you with one of my favorite quotes :

A man must be excessively stupid, as well as uncharitable,
who believes that there is no virtue but on his own side, and that there
are not men as honest as himself who may differ from him in political principles.

- Joseph Addison


Please point out where he wrote that all Trump supporters are analogous to the KKK or racist?

Here's part of what he wrote:
Trump is vocally supported by white supremacists, white nationalists, and racial grievance mongers.

What part of that is not true?

He also wrote this:
Trump attacked the wife of a political opponent and that political opponent’s father. He drummed up internet conspiracy theories.

Trump has mistreated those who have done work for him. He is being sued for fraud because of Trump University. He has openly joked about having sex with his daughter. He’s bragged about his affairs.

All of that is true also. Erick's reference to David Duke and the KKK was an example of how the republican party stood up to people that it sees as unfit for office. His assertion is that Trump is also unfit for office for the reasons in the quote above.
Please point out where he wrote that all Trump supporters are analogous to the KKK or racist?

Maybe that full screen photo of the KKK at the very top of the page ? ? ?

His implication is very clear... Trump supporters are no better than the KKK.

Are you seriously comfortable insulting your fellow voters in this manner ? ? ?

Maybe that full screen photo of the KKK at the very top of the page ? ? ?

His implication is very clear... Trump supporters are no better than the KKK.

Are you seriously comfortable insulting your fellow voters in this manner ? ? ?


I haven't insulted anyone. I didn't get that implication at all. If you did then so be it. I think you're wrong but you're free to have that opinion.
I haven't insulted anyone. I didn't get that implication at all. If you did then so be it. I think you're wrong but you're free to have that opinion.

That article is a direct insult to Trump voters :

"Other Republicans are doing the same. They are descending into tribalism with little difference
between their Republican tribalism and the white nationalist tribalism that Trump has pandered to."

That article is a direct insult to Trump voters :

"Other Republicans are doing the same. They are descending into tribalism with little difference
between their Republican tribalism and the white nationalist tribalism that Trump has pandered to."


Maybe I'm not understanding the English language very well this morning but where does that quote insult all Trump voters? Hint: it doesn't.
Like a lot of people, he's angry. No matter which candidate you supported, there's plenty of reason to be hurt and angry over this circus of a primary cycle.

Hopefully. a lot of people will calm down and re-think their positions. We must stop Hillary.

I totally understand the 3rd party sentiment, I'm right there with you. But this is not the way. I detailed what we need to do to get a 3rd party ready for a White House run in another thread.
I agree 100%. When I first heard him I thought he would be a pretty good radio host, but now I turn him off. It's not just because of the Trump thing. After getting the show, he has clearly gotten too big for his britches (in more ways than one). Dude thinks he's something important that he is obviously not. His thing with Trump started when he un-invited him to a rally last summer. Since then he's become a Never Trumper that refuses to even entertain the thought of supporting him to stop Hillary. He, like many others, would rather see Hillary win so they can gloat, to hell with the country.
It's funny/pathetic how WSB radio has thrust some really annoying people onto the American stage. Like Boortz and Cain and Hannity. And particularly that screechy voiced Belinda Skelton.
There was something else he said yesterday, and I can't remember now, that I looked at the radio and "WTH?". Too bad my sometimers has taken over. LOL
I enjoy Erickson's radio program. I'm an avid reader of the blogs on Redstate and now The Resurgent and I receive his emails as well as texts to action from The Resurgent. I just disagree with him on the Trump issue. If he continues down that path, I will just tune him out until after the election season.

- Jamie
It's funny/pathetic how WSB radio has thrust some really annoying people onto the American stage. Like Boortz and Cain and Hannity. And particularly that screechy voiced Belinda Skelton.

I could take or leave Bortz

I like Herman Cain

I like Hannity, although a little repetitive.

Y'all have heard my feelings on Cain - I absolutely refuse to listen to him on the radio. I don't listen to Erickson, but the article clearly shows his ignorance. And, if he doesn't come out against Trump, what will he have to complain about on his show for the next four years if Trump wins?