Could it be? Rain?


Pursuit Driver
From my house, I hear thunder and I can see.... Rain!! It's sunny here, but directly west I can see the clouds and rain falling. Oh my gosh please let it hit here!! Cross your fingers!!
:( Looks like its going to miss me. Again. Looks like it will go south of me. It's still thundering like crazy, though.
Getting dark at my house, but the temp still going up. Watch out, these storms could be on the strong side.
It rained!!!! Woohoo! It didn't last but 15 minutes, but it rained. It poured for a few minutes, then off and on showers. The wind was crazy strong!

Oh, so happy. Wasn't much, but I'll take what I can get. LOL
It feels MUCH better! It's cooled off a lot. Just before the rain I ran out to get a towel off the deck and there just a wall of humidity. Ugh. But it feels nice out.
I washed my truck yesterday just so we would get the much needed rain, and it did.
The rain lasted about 25 - 30 minutes or so and the temp dropped from 101 to 85.