Citizen Steering Committee-Ponytail Patriot


Rolling down the highway
Being appointed by the BOC and Chamber? Not allowing citizen input at the organizational meeting, alrighty then. :eek:

Since the beginning of the airport expansion kerfuffle last fall, one thing I have heard consistently from people is how the Paulding County Airport Authority (PCAA) and the Paulding County Industrial Building Authority (IBA) have no accountability to the citizens. These two entities are run by unelected boards and are funded primarily with taxpayer money, yet the citizens have no voice in their meetings and/or say in what projects are undertaken. So how can we fight their uncontrolled spending on projects not wanted? We ask for a “citizen study committee”. Yeah…that is going to work out well.

On June 5, 2014 at 6 p.m. the Paulding County Board of Commissioners will hold a special meeting to address the organization of “citizen study committees” for the PCAA and IBA. The problem is…the same people who appointed the members of the board to these two entities are also the people who will appoint citizens to the study committees. Each commissioner will appoint one person to each “citizen study committee” and the Paulding Chamber of Commerce will appoint one person to each “citizen study committee”. So essentially, we are getting foxes appointed to watch the hen houses. NICE!

What is the point of having a “citizen study committee” if we’re just going to get the same type of folks appointed? There is no point. This is a waste of time and energy. Why is it a waste of time and energy? Because Chairman Austin, who likes to blame Delta for everything, is going to appoint Larry Reinhart, the pro-expansion crowd’s most vocal citizen, to the PCAA study committee. Hmmm…so Mr. Austin is appointing someone who agrees that Delta is to blame for everything.

Mr. Austin is just one who will be appointing individuals to these citizen study committees. As stated above, the other 4 commissioners and the Chamber of Commerce get to appoint individuals as well. Considering what Chairman Austin is planning, I don’t hold out a lot of hope the others will choose individuals that are neutral in the airport kerfuffle. And that is what makes these study committees a complete waste of time and energy.

And why are we allowing anyone who sits on either of those boards appoint anyone to a “citizen study committee” who is supposed to be holding them somewhat accountable? Oh that really makes a huge amount of sense! That makes as much sense as allowing someone on probation to choose their own probation officer. Just brilliant!

And to add insult to injury, our brilliant Chairman and BOC has decided to announce this meeting that is open to the public only 2 days in advance and NOT to allow any public participation. So, they get to arbitrarily pick whoever they want without any public input at all when the whole point is to make the PCAA and the IBA more accountable to the public. Well isn’t that just the icing on the cake?

I’m sick and tired of the same group of people appointing their buddies to unelected boards and committees. Rather than making the process more transparent and allowing for more accountability, they are just muddying the waters of an already shady process. Enough already! The Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Commissioners need to step down off the pedestals they have put themselves on and look for people who will look at the issues objectively and tell the truth. Stop dealing from the bottom of the deck and just play the cards you are dealt. This is taxpayer’s money they are playing with, and cronyism and personal wants should NOT be the main priority.
Author: Candi Goldman
Exactly how would a committee be picked if not like this? An election? Volunteers? I just do not know how you would do that. It seems at least fair that one person is not picking.

I also would not allow citizens to speak at the first meeting, don't they have to meet and work some things out first? I have sat on many boards and committees and I have never even seen people allowed to observe the first meeting. :dunno
Hello!! This is not the first meeting of the group. It's a called BOC meeting to announce the members. I guess you didn't read the blog. :dunno
naturegirl said:
Hello!! This is not the first meeting of the group. It's a called BOC meeting to announce the members. I guess you didn't read the blog. :dunno

Wow. Why do you have to be like that when I ask a question? I read what you posted and that is what I took from it and just had a few observations. Sorry you do not like me responding.
ShoeDiva said:
naturegirl said:
Hello!! This is not the first meeting of the group. It's a called BOC meeting to announce the members. I guess you didn't read the blog. :dunno

Wow. Why do you have to be like that when I ask a question? I read what you posted and that is what I took from it and just had a few observations. Sorry you do not like me responding.

I have no idea what you are saying! :dunno
When a committee is being formed to study transparency and accountability problems and perceptions, shouldn't that committee be formed in the most transparent and accountable way possible? Also shouldn't it be composed of those to whom the committee(s) are theoretically accountable?

In a perfect world, Paulding citizens with no stake in individual outcomes of the decisions of non-elected boards and committees but a general stake in the spending of taxpayer dollars should comprise the members of the study committee. In this world we live in, those with the largest stake in individual outcome will lobby for those positions, and whether or not they succeed will decide if this is truly an attempt at righting perceived wrongs or simply covering them up so that the boards can get back to the business of spending taxpayer money.

In my opinion, both the Airport Authority and the IBA are structured specifically to avoid taxpayer accountability and should be dissolved completely. The functions of both are not too much to ask our elected officials to deal with as regular business in an open BOC meeting. They are after all the business of the people. Paulding is one of only a handful of remaining IBA's in the state precisely for this reason. They got out of control.
naturegirl said:
ShoeDiva said:
naturegirl said:
Hello!! This is not the first meeting of the group. It's a called BOC meeting to announce the members. I guess you didn't read the blog. :dunno

Wow. Why do you have to be like that when I ask a question? I read what you posted and that is what I took from it and just had a few observations. Sorry you do not like me responding.

I have no idea what you are saying! :dunno

If you really don't then I am sorry, but when I read things like "Hello!! It is called this or that." it comes across as being sarcastic or condescending. If not your intent, I am sorry and I really did read it as this was their first meeting and announcing the people that each chose.
I also really am asking, of all, what other way could the choice have been made?
lotstodo said:
When a committee is being formed to study transparency and accountability problems and perceptions, shouldn't that committee be formed in the most transparent and accountable way possible? Also shouldn't it be composed of those to whom the committee(s) are theoretically accountable?

In a perfect world, Paulding citizens with no stake in individual outcomes of the decisions of non-elected boards and committees but a general stake in the spending of taxpayer dollars should comprise the members of the study committee. In this world we live in, those with the largest stake in individual outcome will lobby for those positions, and whether or not they succeed will decide if this is truly an attempt at righting perceived wrongs or simply covering them up so that the boards can get back to the business of spending taxpayer money.

In my opinion, both the Airport Authority and the IBA are structured specifically to avoid taxpayer accountability and should be dissolved completely. The functions of both are not too much to ask our elected officials to deal with as regular business in an open BOC meeting. They are after all the business of the people. Paulding is one of only a handful of remaining IBA's in the state precisely for this reason. They got out of control.

I still do not see a more fair way of choosing a committee than each of our representatives choosing one resident. I just do not know how else it could have been done, besides some type of election by the residents. :dunno
ShoeDiva said:
lotstodo said:
When a committee is being formed to study transparency and accountability problems and perceptions, shouldn't that committee be formed in the most transparent and accountable way possible? Also shouldn't it be composed of those to whom the committee(s) are theoretically accountable?

In a perfect world, Paulding citizens with no stake in individual outcomes of the decisions of non-elected boards and committees but a general stake in the spending of taxpayer dollars should comprise the members of the study committee. In this world we live in, those with the largest stake in individual outcome will lobby for those positions, and whether or not they succeed will decide if this is truly an attempt at righting perceived wrongs or simply covering them up so that the boards can get back to the business of spending taxpayer money.

In my opinion, both the Airport Authority and the IBA are structured specifically to avoid taxpayer accountability and should be dissolved completely. The functions of both are not too much to ask our elected officials to deal with as regular business in an open BOC meeting. They are after all the business of the people. Paulding is one of only a handful of remaining IBA's in the state precisely for this reason. They got out of control.

I still do not see a more fair way of choosing a committee than each of our representatives choosing one resident. I just do not know how else it could have been done, besides some type of election by the residents. :dunno
It's very simple. The person chosen will be representative of the views of the commissioner and chairman who are vested rather than the people. That means a 4-1 vote in favor of keeping things exactly the way they are with the IBA and AA having the authority to issue bonds in the name of the citizens of Paulding and those self-same citizens having no say in the matter. The results are a foregone conclusion, and the entire thing is smoke and mirrors.

I would want one member picked by Congressman Graves and each State Official elected by Paulding. That would be by Graves, Dugan, Heath, Maxwell, Braddock, Alexander, and Gravley. These people answer to the voters and taxpayers but do not have a direct stake in the outcome of the investigation.
lotstodo said:
ShoeDiva said:
lotstodo said:
When a committee is being formed to study transparency and accountability problems and perceptions, shouldn't that committee be formed in the most transparent and accountable way possible? Also shouldn't it be composed of those to whom the committee(s) are theoretically accountable?

In a perfect world, Paulding citizens with no stake in individual outcomes of the decisions of non-elected boards and committees but a general stake in the spending of taxpayer dollars should comprise the members of the study committee. In this world we live in, those with the largest stake in individual outcome will lobby for those positions, and whether or not they succeed will decide if this is truly an attempt at righting perceived wrongs or simply covering them up so that the boards can get back to the business of spending taxpayer money.

In my opinion, both the Airport Authority and the IBA are structured specifically to avoid taxpayer accountability and should be dissolved completely. The functions of both are not too much to ask our elected officials to deal with as regular business in an open BOC meeting. They are after all the business of the people. Paulding is one of only a handful of remaining IBA's in the state precisely for this reason. They got out of control.

I still do not see a more fair way of choosing a committee than each of our representatives choosing one resident. I just do not know how else it could have been done, besides some type of election by the residents. :dunno
It's very simple. The person chosen will be representative of the views of the commissioner and chairman who are vested rather than the people. That means a 4-1 vote in favor of keeping things exactly the way they are with the IBA and AA having the authority to issue bonds in the name of the citizens of Paulding and those self-same citizens having no say in the matter. The results are a foregone conclusion, and the entire thing is smoke and mirrors.

I would want one member picked by Congressman Graves and each State Official elected by Paulding. That would be by Graves, Dugan, Heath, Maxwell, Braddock, Alexander, and Gravley. These people answer to the voters and taxpayers but do not have a direct stake in the outcome of the investigation.

I would not have had an issue with that either. Though that would be a lot of people.

I am not quite so cynical and think it is smoke and mirrors. I want to believe that if these people are willing to volunteer their time for the committee they would take a little more consideration to the topics than just agreeing with the person that appointed them. JMO
ShoeDiva said:
lotstodo said:
ShoeDiva said:
lotstodo said:
When a committee is being formed to study transparency and accountability problems and perceptions, shouldn't that committee be formed in the most transparent and accountable way possible? Also shouldn't it be composed of those to whom the committee(s) are theoretically accountable?

In a perfect world, Paulding citizens with no stake in individual outcomes of the decisions of non-elected boards and committees but a general stake in the spending of taxpayer dollars should comprise the members of the study committee. In this world we live in, those with the largest stake in individual outcome will lobby for those positions, and whether or not they succeed will decide if this is truly an attempt at righting perceived wrongs or simply covering them up so that the boards can get back to the business of spending taxpayer money.

In my opinion, both the Airport Authority and the IBA are structured specifically to avoid taxpayer accountability and should be dissolved completely. The functions of both are not too much to ask our elected officials to deal with as regular business in an open BOC meeting. They are after all the business of the people. Paulding is one of only a handful of remaining IBA's in the state precisely for this reason. They got out of control.

I still do not see a more fair way of choosing a committee than each of our representatives choosing one resident. I just do not know how else it could have been done, besides some type of election by the residents. :dunno
It's very simple. The person chosen will be representative of the views of the commissioner and chairman who are vested rather than the people. That means a 4-1 vote in favor of keeping things exactly the way they are with the IBA and AA having the authority to issue bonds in the name of the citizens of Paulding and those self-same citizens having no say in the matter. The results are a foregone conclusion, and the entire thing is smoke and mirrors.

I would want one member picked by Congressman Graves and each State Official elected by Paulding. That would be by Graves, Dugan, Heath, Maxwell, Braddock, Alexander, and Gravley. These people answer to the voters and taxpayers but do not have a direct stake in the outcome of the investigation.

I would not have had an issue with that either. Though that would be a lot of people.

I am not quite so cynical and think it is smoke and mirrors. I want to believe that if these people are willing to volunteer their time for the committee they would take a little more consideration to the topics than just agreeing with the person that appointed them. JMO
You could knock off the two Senators and bring it back to five.
I'm glad that you are not jaded by the realities of politics, but trust me, no BOC member is going to ask a citizen that they don't firmly believe agrees with their point of view 100%, and every board member has a well known point of view. The vote would be 4-1.
lotstodo said:
ShoeDiva said:
I would not have had an issue with that either. Though that would be a lot of people.

I am not quite so cynical and think it is smoke and mirrors. I want to believe that if these people are willing to volunteer their time for the committee they would take a little more consideration to the topics than just agreeing with the person that appointed them. JMO
You could knock off the two Senators and bring it back to five.
I'm glad that you are not jaded by the realities of politics, but trust me, no BOC member is going to ask a citizen that they don't firmly believe agrees with their point of view 100%, and every board member has a well known point of view. The vote would be 4-1.

I hope on this I am right. :)) I really see both sides of most topics that have been brought up by the BoC and do not think either side is 100% right. I believe that others are the same and might surprise some and change their mind or at least present another way to look at things. (Maybe from the side of their neighbor or what someone might feel that the Commissioners are not looking at when they present their side.) I hope the people appointed have a passion for doing the right thing for all. (Though I will state I am unfamiliar with exactly what they are going to be doing and how much their say will even count.)
honeybunny said:
Larry Reinhart ? ? ?

You've got to be kidding ? ? ?


I am unfamiliar with him. I know Pony girl wrote that he will be Austin's pick, but who is he? (and is that his official pick or who it thought to be picked?) :)) I have lots of questions, all the time. Sorry.
First...I am not "Pony girl". My moniker is "Ponytail Patriot"...big difference. Mr. Austin has told several people within county government that his intention is to appoint Mr. Reinhart.
Ponytail Patriot said:
First...I am not "Pony girl". My moniker is "Ponytail Patriot"...big difference. Mr. Austin has told several people within county government that his intention is to appoint Mr. Reinhart.

Uh, sorry. People call me Diva, SD, alien, and a few other things...I just picked up Pony for your first name and girl because you are. No need to get upset. :dunno I thought it was better than PP.

Thank you for the information that it is being said that he told people that is who he is picking. :thumbsup If you do not mind me asking, who is this man?
lotstodo said:
ShoeDiva said:
lotstodo said:
When a committee is being formed to study transparency and accountability problems and perceptions, shouldn't that committee be formed in the most transparent and accountable way possible? Also shouldn't it be composed of those to whom the committee(s) are theoretically accountable?

In a perfect world, Paulding citizens with no stake in individual outcomes of the decisions of non-elected boards and committees but a general stake in the spending of taxpayer dollars should comprise the members of the study committee. In this world we live in, those with the largest stake in individual outcome will lobby for those positions, and whether or not they succeed will decide if this is truly an attempt at righting perceived wrongs or simply covering them up so that the boards can get back to the business of spending taxpayer money.

In my opinion, both the Airport Authority and the IBA are structured specifically to avoid taxpayer accountability and should be dissolved completely. The functions of both are not too much to ask our elected officials to deal with as regular business in an open BOC meeting. They are after all the business of the people. Paulding is one of only a handful of remaining IBA's in the state precisely for this reason. They got out of control.

I still do not see a more fair way of choosing a committee than each of our representatives choosing one resident. I just do not know how else it could have been done, besides some type of election by the residents. :dunno
It's very simple. The person chosen will be representative of the views of the commissioner and chairman who are vested rather than the people. That means a 4-1 vote in favor of keeping things exactly the way they are with the IBA and AA having the authority to issue bonds in the name of the citizens of Paulding and those self-same citizens having no say in the matter. The results are a foregone conclusion, and the entire thing is smoke and mirrors.

I would want one member picked by Congressman Graves and each State Official elected by Paulding. That would be by Graves, Dugan, Heath, Maxwell, Braddock, Alexander, and Gravley. These people answer to the voters and taxpayers but do not have a direct stake in the outcome of the investigation.

If you think these people do not run in the same circle of friends as the commissioners, I have some great ocean view property in Vegas to sell you. I've been some of their get togethers and they all know each other very well.

The ONLY way I could see this working is a select committee from outside the County, pick people from outside the County. And they would mostly have to be paid board members as volunteers would never waste their time and money.

There is a LOT of attitude in this thread already. It might be good for everyone to step back and take a deep breath.
Winchester said:
lotstodo said:
ShoeDiva said:
lotstodo said:
When a committee is being formed to study transparency and accountability problems and perceptions, shouldn't that committee be formed in the most transparent and accountable way possible? Also shouldn't it be composed of those to whom the committee(s) are theoretically accountable?

In a perfect world, Paulding citizens with no stake in individual outcomes of the decisions of non-elected boards and committees but a general stake in the spending of taxpayer dollars should comprise the members of the study committee. In this world we live in, those with the largest stake in individual outcome will lobby for those positions, and whether or not they succeed will decide if this is truly an attempt at righting perceived wrongs or simply covering them up so that the boards can get back to the business of spending taxpayer money.

In my opinion, both the Airport Authority and the IBA are structured specifically to avoid taxpayer accountability and should be dissolved completely. The functions of both are not too much to ask our elected officials to deal with as regular business in an open BOC meeting. They are after all the business of the people. Paulding is one of only a handful of remaining IBA's in the state precisely for this reason. They got out of control.

I still do not see a more fair way of choosing a committee than each of our representatives choosing one resident. I just do not know how else it could have been done, besides some type of election by the residents. :dunno
It's very simple. The person chosen will be representative of the views of the commissioner and chairman who are vested rather than the people. That means a 4-1 vote in favor of keeping things exactly the way they are with the IBA and AA having the authority to issue bonds in the name of the citizens of Paulding and those self-same citizens having no say in the matter. The results are a foregone conclusion, and the entire thing is smoke and mirrors.

I would want one member picked by Congressman Graves and each State Official elected by Paulding. That would be by Graves, Dugan, Heath, Maxwell, Braddock, Alexander, and Gravley. These people answer to the voters and taxpayers but do not have a direct stake in the outcome of the investigation.

If you think these people do not run in the same circle of friends as the commissioners, I have some great ocean view property in Vegas to sell you. I've been some of their get togethers and they all know each other very well.

The ONLY way I could see this working is a select committee from outside the County, pick people from outside the County. And they would mostly have to be paid board members as volunteers would never waste their time and money.

There is a LOT of attitude in this thread already. It might be good for everyone to step back and take a deep breath.
But they have no direct stake in the outcome.

Quite honestly though this board is not going to change one iota.