Celebs lobby for $2,400-per-month 'Marshall Plan for Moms' payments

Boss 302

Pursuit Driver
Alyssa Milano, Eva Longoria, and Charlize Theron are some of the celebrities pushing for taxpayers to provide the money as income being a mother. I take from reading the article that it doesn't matter if its single or married mothers; you just have to be a mother. What about being a father? There are a lot of single-parent fathers in this country raising their children as well. Obviously they must think it's much easier for a single father to raise kids than it is for a single mother. There are all kinds of reasons why this is a bad idea.

I'm a firm believer that if you can't afford to raise children; then you have no business having them.
We already have that...

You are on welfare and pop out kids, you get paid more for each one... it is a bad idea. It encourages "breeders" who their only source of income is having kids. Generally they are not even capable of being decent parents, let alone raise a healthy responsible citizen who will enrich our country for all we "invest" in these puppy mill children.

I think if you can't afford to raise a child, or the state needs to take your children from you because you are an unfit parent, both the man and woman should have their ability to pop out more kids removed - sterilized. You give up your right to breed if you must depend on the government to raise your progeny.
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a man provides. And he does it even when he's not appreciated, or respected, or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it. Because he's a man.

It's a man's job to provide for his wife, kids, elderly parents, etc. He's by definition the breadwinner. A pole cat makes a better mother than some of these hollyweird bimbos wanting free money just because they are moms. My new years resolution was to quit moaning, groaning, cussing and griping, but every time I read stories like these Marshall Plans for Moms, I just lose it.
I got off to a slow start as far as being successful and having a pot to pee in. Screwed up my education, didn't know what I wanted to do, etc. Because of that, we lived in apartments for several years before finally buying a house.

Wife and I both wanted children, but I was adamant that we would not raise children while living in an apartment, or until we could afford to at least provide a good home and be able to properly feed and dress my kids.

So we waited a few years to have children, and I think that was a good decision. And frankly, I think it allowed us to grow up a bit before becoming parents.

People should try this responsibility thing.
a man provides. And he does it even when he's not appreciated, or respected, or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it. Because he's a man.

It's a man's job to provide for his wife, kids, elderly parents, etc. He's by definition the breadwinner. A pole cat makes a better mother than some of these hollyweird bimbos wanting free money just because they are moms. My new years resolution was to quit moaning, groaning, cussing and griping, but every time I read stories like these Marshall Plans for Moms, I just lose it.
Cue in the Feminism ideology of women being superior to men, not requiring a man in their life, or better yet insisting on a much more sensitive and feminized behavior from males. Oh and take "man" out of the language all together.

Whoever you believe in, God or any other Creator, humans were indeed created the way we are for a reason. Neither males nor females deserve a special treatment for being either a male of female.

Getting paid for being a birth-giver or becoming a parent via adoption just because you are a woman and mother? the most ridiculous thing I've heard as of lately. Not surprised though with their delusional image of what real feminine power is. These celebrities and feminists alike (not the original feminist movement) have a living goddess complex.