Captain Woodrow F. Call (from Lonesome Dove)



The character of Woodrow F. Call (Captain in the TX Rangers) is an unforgettable western character.
Anyone who read the book or saw the miniseries Lonesome Dove will always remember him.

How many TV movies, miniseries or TV shows did the character Woodrow F. Call appear in and how many different actors have portrayed this character?
(I was suprised at the answers)
I read all the books,seen all the movies and series.If I remember correctly Woodrow was in all 4 movies/mini series portrayed by 4 differant actors.Tommy Lee Jones,Jon Voight,James Garners...can't remember the guys name from the series.

Return to Lonsome Dove was not a McMurtry novel
thedeerslayer said:
I read all the books,seen all the movies and series.If I remember correctly Woodrow was in all 4 movies/mini series portrayed by 4 differant actors.Tommy Lee Jones,Jon Voight,James Garners...can't remember the guys name from the series.

Return to Lonsome Dove was not a McMurtry novel

You and I were on the same page, but there are more than 4.
thedeerslayer said:
I did not like the cast in Streets of Laredo.Replace Diane Lane with Cissy Spacek :waggingfinger

When you have the perfect cast the first time, anything else is just watered down.
I realize I'm diminishing my standing in stradial's eyes, but I could never get into the whole Lonesome Dove thing. Sacketts, yes, but then I love Louis L'Amour. Mother has the entire series and she's read it several times; I've read most of them once. Another GREAT western writer was Erle Stanley Gardner (Perry Mason author). He wrote a number of short stories about the desert west, and they are fantastic. I wish he had written more.

I RARELY like movies compared to the books upon which they're based. Hunt For Red October was one exception...I loved the movie as much as I loved the book.
I have read all of Lois L'amour....And if I'd had sons they would be named Tyrell,Orrin and William Tell.
Tommy Lee Jones played Call......Robert Duvall was Augustus McCrae
mei lan, we have got to work on your movie choices, they are mostly GREAT, but your thing about Cary Grant comedies and Lonesome Dove needs help.
Try watching the miniseries of Lonesome Dove.
Great acting, great writing, great casting and great cinematography.
I think it is the best western ever made.
There are probably more quotable lines from that movie than 5 movies put together.
Here are a few more great lines from Lonesome Dove.

“A man who wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough.” (a poke is hanky panky)

“It's not dying I'm talking about, it's living.”

[referring to the Hat Creek Cattle Company sign]
Woodrow Call: ...and if that ain't bad enough you got all them Greek words on there, too.
Gus McCrae: I told you, Woodrow, a long time ago it ain't Greek, it's Latin.
Woodrow Call: Well what does it say in Latin?
[Gus blusters some gibberish]
Woodrow Call: For all you know it invites people to rob us.
Gus McCrae: Well the first man comes along that can read Latin is welcome to rob us, far as I'm concerned. I'd like a chance t' shoot at a educated man once in my life.

“I'm just tryin' to keep everything in balance, Woodrow. You do more work than you got to, so it's my obligation to do less.”

“Well, I'm glad I ain't scared to be lazy.”

Woodrow Call: We come to this place to make money. They wasn't nothin' about fun in the deal.
Gus McCrae: What are you talkin' about? You don't even like money. You like money even less than you like fun, if that's possible.

“Well, hell, boys. I'd damn sight rather be hung by my friends than by a bunch o' damn strangers. Well, adios, boys. Hope you won't hold it against me. Never meant no harm."

Woodrow Call: How do I know you won't start missin' your wife after about five miles and decide to quit?
Po Campo: My wife is in hell; where I sent her.

“A man that will go along with five killin's is taking his leaving awful slow.”

Jake Spoon: A man that will talk to a pig ain't no better than a farmer.
Gus McCrae: I expected you to own a bank or at least a whorehouse by now Jake. It seems life has been a disappointment to both of us.

“Well we don't rent pigs and I figure it's better to say it right out front because a man that does like to rent pigs is... he's hard to stop.”

Gus McCrea: It’s an accident that she is even on this trip.
Clara Allen: I never noticed you having accidents with ugly girls.

And my favorite:
"I'd like to see the herd that you and Jake could gather. Herd o' whores, maybe."
stradial said:
mei lan, we have got to work on your movie choices, they are mostly GREAT, but your thing about Cary Grant comedies and Lonesome Dove needs help.
Try watching the miniseries of Lonesome Dove.
Great acting, great writing, great casting and great cinematography.
I think it is the best western ever made.
There are probably more quotable lines from that movie than 5 movies put together.

Don't forget about the Wizard of Oz and It's a Wonderful Life. :D

OK, next time I'm in the mood for a good western, I'll check it out. I'll let you know what I think.
mei lan said:
stradial said:
mei lan, we have got to work on your movie choices, they are mostly GREAT, but your thing about Cary Grant comedies and Lonesome Dove needs help.
Try watching the miniseries of Lonesome Dove.
Great acting, great writing, great casting and great cinematography.
I think it is the best western ever made.
There are probably more quotable lines from that movie than 5 movies put together.

Don't forget about the Wizard of Oz and It's a Wonderful Life. :D

OK, next time I'm in the mood for a good western, I'll check it out. I'll let you know what I think.

Here are the minieries, tv shows or tv movies that have had the character Woodrow F. Call in them and the actors that played that character.

There were 6 total shows and 6 actors.

Camanche Moon - Karl Urban
Dead Man's Walk - Jonny Lee Miller (yes, Jonny)
Streets of Laredo - James Garner
Lonesome Dove: The Series - Lee Majors
Return to Lonesome Dove - Jon Voight
Lonesome Dove: The Miniseries - Tommy Lee Jones (and it was the best movie and the best actor for that part)