Biden falls multiple times while getting on AF 1

I’m starting to feel sorry for him. I don’t think he has a clue. He is just a puppet for the Democratic Socialist Party. They wanted Kamala as POTUS but she was unelectable so she was made VP. They will remove old Joe and then we’ll have the Ho like they wanted to start with. I just can’t understand why his wife goes along with it. it’s really sad, our Country is F*****.
I’m starting to feel sorry for him. I don’t think he has a clue. He is just a puppet for the Democratic Socialist Party. They wanted Kamala as POTUS but she was unelectable so she was made VP. They will remove old Joe and then we’ll have the Ho like they wanted to start with. I just can’t understand why his wife goes along with it. it’s really sad, our Country is F*****.
That's exactly what "they" want us to do...focus on feeling sorry for him while they destroy what's left of our country.
Please people the only possible candidate Uncle Joe could have beat was DJT. Much like the only candidate DJT could beat was Hillary Clinton. People hate DJT with a fervor only rivaled by HRC. Please back a conservative ticket and get off the DJT teat. History will show he was nothing but a huckster. I am devastated that this moron is POTUS. DJT alienated the independents and undecided by being an ass hat. I do not like politics but I am smart enough to at least have an idea how they work.
Please people the only possible candidate Uncle Joe could have beat was DJT. Much like the only candidate DJT could beat was Hillary Clinton. People hate DJT with a fervor only rivaled by HRC. Please back a conservative ticket and get off the DJT teat. History will show he was nothing but a huckster. I am devastated that this moron is POTUS. DJT alienated the independents and undecided by being an ass hat. I do not like politics but I am smart enough to at least have an idea how they work.
You forgot to capitalize Ass Hat.

Now more than ever, we need Ted Nugent as president.
I’m starting to feel sorry for him. I don’t think he has a clue. He is just a puppet for the Democratic Socialist Party. They wanted Kamala as POTUS but she was unelectable so she was made VP. They will remove old Joe and then we’ll have the Ho like they wanted to start with. I just can’t understand why his wife goes along with it. it’s really sad, our Country is F*****.
I don't feel sorry for him.

He's a leftist.

He's barely on our side (if at all).

and his wife, don't get me started.......
I can't help but think about when Trump was the speaker at last year's West Point graduation. I remember Biden making fun of Trump when he had the slip when walking down the ramp. The ramp was made of metal and he was wearing leather soled shoes. Biden was hit by the karma train. Where Trump did not fall; Biden did.
Please people the only possible candidate Uncle Joe could have beat was DJT. Much like the only candidate DJT could beat was Hillary Clinton. People hate DJT with a fervor only rivaled by HRC. Please back a conservative ticket and get off the DJT teat. History will show he was nothing but a huckster. I am devastated that this moron is POTUS. DJT alienated the independents and undecided by being an ass hat. I do not like politics but I am smart enough to at least have an idea how they work.
There were a trove of “conservative” republicans who Trump beat like a snare drum to get the nomination. Wonder how that happened? Maybe McConnell or Romney will put their hats in the ring so the diehard republicans can have some hope.
There were a trove of “conservative” republicans who Trump beat like a snare drum to get the nomination. Wonder how that happened? Maybe McConnell or Romney will put their hats in the ring so the diehard republicans can have some hope.
You could have had Rand Paul. He's a libertarian leaning Republican and far more conservative than any "conservative" candidate we could have had. He checks all the boxes of what Republicans claim to support but when push comes to shove, none really do.
You could have had Rand Paul. He's a libertarian leaning Republican and far more conservative than any "conservative" candidate we could have had. He checks all the boxes of what Republicans claim to support but when push comes to shove, none really do.
Rand would have been fine with me. He couldn’t beat Trump so he had no chance. The same can be said for a few others.
There were a trove of “conservative” republicans who Trump beat like a snare drum to get the nomination. Wonder how that happened? Maybe McConnell or Romney will put their hats in the ring so the diehard republicans can have some hope.
Not that I want him to, but I seriously doubt McConnell would ever run. He's not likeable. Hell, I can't stand the guy and wish he would just retire.
There were a trove of “conservative” republicans who Trump beat like a snare drum to get the nomination. Wonder how that happened? Maybe McConnell or Romney will put their hats in the ring so the diehard republicans can have some hope.
It happened because of rule number two in life, most people are stupid. Trump's PT Barnum campaign weakened the true conservative branch of the GOP. His childish attacks on the conservatives in the race damaged the reputation of some true conservatives (Ted Cruz, etc.) to the point that it diminished their chances of ever getting elected therefore making the Dems more appealing. Like it or not (I don't especially like it myself) politics in this country is a two party system and either you help your team or hurt them. DJT hurt them. As much as the Trumper's love their repulsive leader the left and center hate him. Trumper's have lost sight of the big picture. Just to be clear I am no fan of either party but when faced with only two viable choices the GOP is in line with my views way more than the Dems. Cutting off your nose to spite your face only means some one else is going to win most attractive. It does not help your cause at all. On a side note referring to another post McConnell is a ball less hick from Kentucky and Romney is a RINO. Having said that Romney could have beat Uncle Joe although I don't know which is worse. Before some one ask me since I apparently hate everyone who would I support? In a world that is long gone where people would actually think for themselves and appreciate ability over reality TV stunts, the former congressman from SC Trey Gowdy would be on the top of my list.