Alternative Math

See if we conservatives could learn to play the Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals back on the progressives... she just did it.

Rules for Radicals

4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
Prime example of why our education system lags behind other countries. I don't see how teachers tolerate their profession.

#2 reason my son is in so deep with his school loans. He was planning to be a history teacher, but the more he learned how the schools insist on "revisionist" history, he decided it wasn't for him. However, not much else you can do with the degree. :(
#2 reason my son is in so deep with his school loans. He was planning to be a history teacher, but the more he learned how the schools insist on "revisionist" history, he decided it wasn't for him. However, not much else you can do with the degree. :(

Uummm,,,, maybe he could rewrite the progressive version to what actually happened!
They have to teach to the test. So the true history is not taught, because it is not on the test. They teach "social studies"... read = social justice warrior.

Who oppressed who historically, and how they felt about it. How unfair it was. No facts needed.
As long as they also teach how it felt to oppress others, not just how it felt to be oppressed...I guess that's fair.