Abrams to visit Hollywood execs

They were never going to pull out, they just wanna make noise about it. These same people make movies in other countries where they kill women for aborting babies, and they don't seem too upset about that.

So they'll stay, because they were going to anyway, and Stacy will take credit for it and the sheeple will worship her.
In a statement, state GOP chair David Shafer wondered why Abrams was in Hollywood at all. “Stacey Abrams is not the governor, but Hollywood is the perfect place for her to pretend to be one.”

She is the new Jessie Jackson peddling in rrrrraaaaaccccciiiiisssssmmmmmm. No talent. Can't balance her own checkbook, or pay her taxes, but dog gone it... she is gonna tell people life isn't fair... all the way to the bank
In a statement, state GOP chair David Shafer wondered why Abrams was in Hollywood at all. “Stacey Abrams is not the governor, but Hollywood is the perfect place for her to pretend to be one.”

She is the new Jessie Jackson peddling in rrrrraaaaaccccciiiiisssssmmmmmm. No talent. Can't balance her own checkbook, or pay her taxes, but dog gone it... she is gonna tell people life isn't fair... all the way to the bank
Yep, that nails her.