A Kansas teacher will receive a $95,000 settlement after she was suspended for refusing to use a student's preferred name and pronouns

Whatever happened to “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”?

There was a book I read that talked about how the phrase “hurt somebody else” was impossible. If we allow somebody else’s words or opinions to hurt us it is we who give them that power. We decide who’s opinion we care about. Nobody else.
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Ok, rattled my old brain for a while and finally remembered what book. It was "Illusions" by Richard Bach, who is more famous for writing Jonathon Livingston Seagull. (Which I haven't read)
From the article:

[Research has shown misgendering or deadnaming transgender or nonbinary people can have harmful effects on {their] mental health.]

Deadnaming? whatever.

Gimme a break.... like I'm responsible for someone else's emotional well-being, all because of their preferred pronouns ?

Or in other words: Not my problem, snowflake.
Whatever happened to “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”?

There was a book I read that talked about how the phrase “hurt somebody else” was impossible. If we allow somebody else’s words or opinions to hurt us it is we who give them that power. We decide who’s opinion we care about. Nobody else.
I would go to what is taught to alcoholics, drug addicts and people who abuse their family. You chose what you do... no one can "make" you drink, take drugs, strike your spouse or kids, or kill yourself.

It sounds like the abuser who says if you don't stay with me I will kill myself... ah, yeah... good luck with that,
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